Alone in the Elevator

Nov 18th, 2017, Genesis Training facility;

In one of the rooms on the second floor, a team of 5 boys is showing the results of their two days of practice to their mentor.

Meanwhile, a couple of girls who are passing by suddenly stop as they heard someone singing in a high tone. The voice was beautiful. Unknowingly, they rooted their feet right before the door and continue to listen.

"It seems like yesterday that I was happy with nothing

Yes, I think I'm too far away from there

I can't remember that feeling

Everything was new

So I was afraid and clumsy

The memories of that time still feel like a dream to me

But, I don't know where I'm going now"

Jun's voice reverberated across the room as if he wasn't practicing but singing on the stage.

Hwang Chi-yeul who was supposed to look after the group looked at him in awe for a few seconds before he showed an OK gesture. "Good. Now, the next part."

The others continued while looking at the lyrics.

Eventually, Jun's turn came up once again.

"The music continues to be played

I'm waiting you here

Please give me a chance

Give me once, please."

Once again Chiyeul showed an Ok gesture and tell them to continue with their parts.




"I'll go back to you with singing this song

If I can see you again, I'll do the last dance to this song

Remember this moment forever

Just one last dance."


After him, the last line was sung by a sub-rapper and finished the performance.

Chiyeul can't help but sigh after listening to the whole song. While Jun stood out with a perfect performance, the rest of them happen to make a few mistakes.

Usually, it is normal since they only get to practice for 7 hours as they have to share the room with the other five-member group but because of Jun, their skills appeared far worse once Chiyeul heard his voice.

The atmosphere was gloomy. Even they can feel the difference between themselves and Jun. One is that he's more talented and has more experience as a trainee at ZC, second is he's the team's visual, center, and also the leader.

The thought of they can't ever beat Jun in this program made them depressed even more and felt it was unfair.

Chiyeul understood their feelings but he has to give his honest opinion even if they feel bad.

"SungJun-ssi, your pronunciation, and pitch level are on the spot. I don't have any suggestions on how you can improve this song further.

I think you should help out your team members instead. I won't be here for 8 hours daily. So, as a leader, you should look after them."

Jun nodded, "I understand."

Then, Chiyeul looked at others and pointed out their mistakes, and gave suggestions on how can they improve.

Meanwhile, on the outside, the two girls now are almost placing their ears on the door.

"What are you doing?" A voice from behind brought them back to reality.

Their eyes widened in surprise and one of them spoke, "nothing…"

They quickly left their training room. Meanwhile, this female mentor glanced at room 207. "This was assigned to Team C and D for the boys, right? Ah!"

Then, she remembered which mentor was assigned to these two groups. "Starstruck, eh!"

Misunderstanding that they were standing there for Chiyeul, she shook her head and continued to her way.

The lunchtime arrived and Jun's group ended their practice.

While Daniel and the rest of them who have free time in the afternoon went back to their rooms, Jun returned to the training facility.

But as he entered the Entrance Hall, he saw a group of girls, waiting before the elevators. Even though the practice time hasn't ended, they were fooling around. Well, at least that was what Jun thought.

Jun halted his steps.

He remembered the girls stay from the 5th to the 11th floor. Well, it's not his problem as he needs to go to the 14th floor as YG summoned him.

He looked at the second Elevator that belongs to the staff and currently, it was empty. He needs to go through that Elevator but he hesitated.

Jun waited until the Elevator came down and the girls stepped inside, then, he walked forward and stood before the second door.

It didn't take long for the second Elevator to come down but Jun was surprised to see two girls in it even though they aren't supposed to use them.

But then as he takes a clear look at these two middle schoolers, Jun realized his mistake. They were from top-21 and just like him, they were also probably asked to meet their mentors.

Looking at Jun, they bowed and one of the girls hurriedly dragged the other and scurried away from there, making Jun wonder for a second whether he was scary or something…

He stepped inside and clicked on number 14. But the stops on the 2nd floor and Jun sees a girl from the same YG group.

She was tall, slim, beautiful, and have long legs, making his eyes linger on them because of her short jeans before he looked away quickly.

Both of them greeted each other with a bow before she stepped inside the lift.

The lift is going up and the two of them are alone. The atmosphere was silent.

"Ummm… I'm Choi Yuna, stage name, Yuju…" At last, she introduced herself first.

"Han SungJun, Stage name, Jun…" Since she introduced herself, Jun did his part. He thought the conversation will be stopped. But he was so wrong…

"Congratulations, by the way." She continued the conversation with a smile.

"Ah! Yes. Thank you…" Jun slightly bowed once again and said, "you too…"

If it was an open space, Jun wouldn't have felt awkward but right now, they are alone in a closed space for the next 20-25 seconds.

"Did you choose Songwriter or Vocalist?" Yuju asked him.

'She's super chill despite being talking with me for the first time and that too being alone… And I… What are you nervous about, Jun? It's not like she's hitting on you or maybe, she is?' Jun fell into his thoughts…

The previous host of this current body was extremely popular among the girls for his looks, after all.

After a few seconds of silence, Jun answered, "Songwriter."

Yuju nodded as if she was expecting the same answer. His original song was memorable among the girls after all…

"I see… I'm Vocalist." Jun was surprised at her choice as she danced instead of singing. He remembered her performance as she was the only one who performed pole dance.

Why chose a vocalist if she was a good dancer? Jun was confused but they aren't even acquaintances. So, he threw his doubt to the back of his head.

After that, they didn't talk further until they arrived on the 14th floor and parted ways.

While Yuju went towards IU's cabin to get some special lessons, Jun, on the other hand, went to YG, who is assigned as his special mentor.

As Jun walks through the door, he saw YG was busy listening to music or something. He greeted him.

"Oh! SungJun-ssi, you are here. Sit."