YG's plans for Jun

"Take a seat." YG pointed to the chair in the corner.

Jun dragged the chair and takes the seat.

YG then said, "Actually, there are a few things that I need to discuss with you. The first is about your original song. Along with us, 200 candidates, 30 mentors, two accomplished singers, and a dozen staff have heard it.

So, just in case, we're going to record your song and sent it to KOMCA (Korean Music Copyright Association). If you are ok with that…"

Jun felt touched as heard his words. Not only YG helped him up with auditions, but he's also helping him with copyrights…

He nodded without thinking much.

Getting the approval from Jun, YG then said, "Good. Now, the second thing is that we need to talk about your psychology."

"Mine?" Jun was taken aback. He wondered why.

YG nodded, "I have seen a lot of trainees with a troubled past and you are giving the signs of one. The best example is how you are hiding your emerald eyes with contact lenses despite having a 20/20 vision.

Earlier, I talked with your mother and heard that you were bullied when you are young. I think you should meet our counselor. She's available during 2-4 p.m.

But don't misunderstand. It's not mandatory. Being an idol is a stressful job.

You have to take care of your weight and diet, maintain your physical condition at all times, and you have to be careful of your actions to protect your image, hold the expectations of your fans, etc… It's not that simple.

That's why we often advise our trainees to attend weekly or bi-weekly counseling.

Since you have free time in the afternoon, you can use this time to do something useful."

If it was past Jun, he would have refuted his claims and would get angry at his mother for not telling him but the current Jun is far more matured in mentality.

So, he wasn't the least bit offended and understood his good intentions. He also wanted to remove this feeling of uncomfortableness whenever he saw his eyes in the mirror.

So, Jun agreed to it quickly bringing a smile to YG's face.

"Now, the third thing is about your songwriting capabilities. I don't have any advice regarding your vocals since they are as perfect as a professional singer but for songwriting, I enquired at ZC. They said you never took professional training. So, I guess it's self-learning?"

Jun thought, 'what self-learning. I don't know a dime about songwriting.' In the end, he nodded, "yes."

After getting confirmation from Jun, YG proceeds on to say, "I think you are talented however with proper guidance, you can improve further. Since you are done with the practice for the upcoming performance, as your special mentor, I'm giving you a task. Hmm…"

YG then took out his tablet and opened the Youtube right away. After scrolling down for a while, he played a music video and showed it to Jun.

It was a song named 'A million pieces' that was sung by Kyuhyun. The music video contains a sad love story with a man (Kyuhyun) and a woman, some actress… he doesn't know her name.

The story was good until they pulled out a crappy ending. Jun muttered under his breath, "Can't they just meet and have a happy ending…"

As YG was sitting nearby, he heard Jun but didn't bother to comment. Instead, he smiled remembering he said the exact words to JYP, 2 years ago.

Taking the tablet from Jun, YG then spoke, "arrange the song in your own way. It doesn't have to be good or anything. As long as you changed the composition, it is fine. You can also change or add lyrics to the song.

There's no time limit to the task. So, no pressure. Whenever you have time, try to do it."

Jun nodded, committing the name to his memory. Even though he can't write a song on his own, he was confident about his instrumental skills and his musical talent. He thought he can pull it off if he really tries.

Two days later, in training room 207, the boys are diligently practicing.

In one of the corner, Jun sat with Yeongue, mentoring him.

"Try to hold your breath as you raise your notes. You are gasping too much."

"I know…" He nodded and tried to sing his line once again.

"naneun i noreul bureumyeo neoge doragal geoya

Areumdaweotdeon geudael dasi bol su itdamyeon…"

"Wait… wait… wait…" Jun stops him again.

"I hold my breath properly this time," Yeongue said.

Jun shook his head, "but you aren't reaching high notes properly. When I was a trainee… There's a technique… Wait a second."

Jun hurried off towards the corner of the room where there are cans of water.

He picked a five-liter can and brought it to Yeongue.

"Hyung, what is this for?" He asked Jun in confusion.

Everyone stops their practice and stared at Jun to see what is he doing.

"Lie down," Jun replied to him.

As Yeongue lies down on the floor, Jun placed the five-liter can on his stomach. "Now, try singing the same line."

Despite feeling the heavy weight, he trusted Jun's words and tried singing.

"naneun i noreul bureumyeo neoge doragal geoya."

Just as he finished the first sentence, his eyes widened in surprise.

Jun smiled, "applying pressure on the stomach, let your lungs breathe out more air, thereby increasing your vocal range."

"Oh!" Everyone was exclaimed.

Meanwhile, JYP who was watching it from the control room laughed, "this kid was also a good leader. Should give him extra points for that."


In the afternoon, finishing his lunch, Jun returned to the training facility. Luckily, this time, he didn't meet anyone in the elevator. So, he comfortably went to the 13th floor where the language classes are usually held.

Asking the staff for directions, Jun knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Jun opens the door and stepped inside. "hello, I'm Han SungJun. YG-nim told me to meet you…" He greeted her.

"Ah! Yes. Please take a seat, SungJun-ssi."

As Sungjun took his seat, she opened a file and read, "Han SungJun… Yes…"

Because it's the first day, the counselor just asked about simple things like his background, hobbies, life situations, and relationships.

As he wasn't quite sure about his relationship with Somi, he hid it and only informed about his familial relationships according to his memory. He also confessed how he lost a few memories because of the accident.

Because of his situation, the counselor didn't also probe him too much and accepted the answers whatever Jun presented to her.

An hour later;

Jun stood up from his seat and bowed before exiting the room.

He then went to the 14th floor to finish the task YG gave him. As he placed first, Jun was provided a separate practice room. It was filled with instruments and a recording room.

Jun stayed there until 9 p.m. before leaving to the dorm for dinner.

Later, he returned to his room.

"Hyung… You are on right time." Daniel greeted with a smile, "I was thinking of using the card benefits and take a break, this Sunday. You are a Seoulite, right?"

As Jun nodded, he asked, "any food place recommendations? You know, not the classy restaurants but places with street food…"

"Well for starters, you can just go to Gwangjang market at Jongno district. The prices are also fairly cheaper."

"Uhh… I went there, last week…" Daniel replied.

"Then, Myeong-dong at Jung district. It is only 15-20 minutes from here. You can just take a bus." Jun replied almost instantly.

"Ah! Okay." Daniel sounded a bit disappointed.

"Isn't it. I too recommended the same thing." Shonwu commented with a face mask on him.

"By the way, I'm also going in the same direction." Jun then said to him. "We can leave together."

"Really?" Danie got excited.

"Yeah." Jun nodded, "I have to attend the Holy mass at Myeong-dong Cathedral."

"Are you a Christian?" He asked Jun.

"Catholic," Jun replied to him.

"Aren't both the same?" He commented casually.

Jun frowned at his statement but quickly retained his calmness. He didn't bother to correct them and slept.

A few days later; Daniel and Jun are walking towards the bus stop. As they reached the stop, Jun saw Yuju standing there alone.

Coincidentally, their eyes met.