Moving to the dorm

Later, he visited KDB Company to claim one of the insurances left by his mother in his name. The amount was roughly around 500 million won (~420k US dollars). He submitted the relevant documents but it will take time to receive them.

Of course, he doesn't care about that money as he intended to save all the money for Dahyun's future, despite their mother also leaving behind insurance for Dahyun about the same amount.

Jun was confident about making millions with his future knowledge but he just want to make sure that his sister's life be secured.

As for the inheritances, the properties were divided quite equally.

The music store S&D was registered in his name from the start by their late father and the 3 bedroom apartment was registered in Dahyun's name by their late mother. The moment they became adults, they have full rights over it. It was really surprised Jun when he found that.

Maybe, it was done so that either of them doesn't have to pay inheritance taxes but still, the trust they had in their children is something that Jun couldn't understand.

After growing bigger, what if either Jun or Dahyun abandon them? Where would they go? Such questions didn't bother them? Jun didn't know what they were thinking but he was at least happy that they did this way so that there won't be any fights between him and Dahyun over the properties.

Once he was done with the insurance, he also waited.

For the next couple of days, he was busy interviewing people for the store manager position. He had experience as a store manager in his past life. So, he knew what to be expecting from them.

By 28th Feb, he hired the manager. It was a man named Kim Young-Jin. He was his in the late thirties, a single father of twins who are surprisingly in high school.

When he asked him in curiosity, he replied that he married her girlfriend after graduating from high school. Unfortunately, she died in childbirth.

According to his resume that was verified by the employment agency, he used to be a not-so-well-known trot singer, fifteen years ago but retired at 24 because of unstable income in the field. After that, he worked as the manager at a few karaoke centers.

Nevertheless, Jun was fine with his resume and hired him for the job.

Jun showed him around the store, gave him the keys and contacts of the suppliers.

He also wanted to rent the apartment as neither he nor his sister stay there but the latter doesn't want to rent it to anyone. What could Jun do? It was in her name and even the rent that was paid will go to her bank account. If she refuses to give rent to anyone, Jun can't go against her wishes and leave it as it is.

On March 1st, Jun left for Incheon, where Genesis' new Headquarters was shifted to.

Incheon was roughly 27 kilometers away from Seoul city, comes under the Seoul Capital Area alongside Seoul and Gyeonggi province, together forming the world's largest metropolitan area by population.

After reaching the metro station, he saw Daniel was waiting for him with a smile.

"It's been a while," Jun greeted him as he put forth his fist.

Bumping his fist with his fist, Daniel commented, "It looks like you have lost weight, Hyung."

"Yeah, no appetite, I guess," Jun replied him with a disappointed look upon remembering his mother's death.

Seeing Jun's expression, Daniel also remembered it and apologized, to which Jun waved his hand, "no worries."

Soon, both of them took a taxi to Genesis Town, which is often compared to that of Samsung Town.

On the way, Daniel was explaining how these past two weeks had been for him. He was also recruited into Genesis after winning first place in Treasure Campus under Jun's absence.

"We have seen on the internet but seriously, Hyung, the place is anything like other. There's a separate park, shopping mall, film studio, even arcade centers. And our accommodations, you don't even believe it. We're given a 12-room mansion to just the four of us. Everything we have in that CUBE building back then, we have in the mansion, now. The company is indeed generous to its artists even to rookies like us. And if you roam around, you could see several celebrities. Do you know, the Goblin's actress, Yoo In-Na also lives here. I saw her two days ago. I missed my opportunity to talk to Noona."

"That means the debt will also going to be high." Jun interrupted him with a comment as he looked through the window.

When Daniel suddenly went silent, Jun asked, "How much is yours?"

After a brief silence, he slowly replied, "3 million (~2500 $)"

"Already? It's only been two weeks." Jun was taken aback upon hearing it. He wondered just how much this dongsaeng enjoyed that he received that much debt.

Calming down himself, he proceeded to enquire, "by the way, did you meet the other two members in our group?"

That's right, Jun and Daniel were indeed going to be in the upcoming four-member group. At the same time, they were also going to be soloists. While Jun debuts earlier, Daniel will debut solo somewhere in October.

"You will know once you reach there." Daniel smiled, trying to be mysterious.

It wouldn't matter for Jun who will end up in his group. His main focus is going solo. So, he didn't probe the matter much.

Soon, they reached the place. The taxi entered through Gate 7, which leads to the company's dorms. There are several mansions and a few apartments in the neighborhood.

It is where all the trainees and celebrities, who are signed with the agency and its subsidiaries live. Of course, if one has enough money, they can just move out and live somewhere else.

However, most of the artists, especially the idols live here because of security and privacy from the fans.

The taxi didn't enter this restricted section but went past through it towards the 68-floor building, standing in the center.

It is the Headquarters of the company and its 18 subsidiaries.

The luggage was left in the taxi and the driver was told to wait while both of them entered the building. As the contracts, PC TABLET, and his personal piano were safely placed in his inventory, Jun didn't worry about the luggage getting stolen. Dresses aren't worth much.

They changed a couple of elevators and reached the forty-eighth floor.

"Here," Daniel pointed at the reception desk.

Jun proceeded to say his name and show his identification card.

She confirmed the details and looked at Jun, "can you take off the mask and sunglasses? Just following the protocol."

Jun nodded and did it as she asked, stunning the receptionist for a second before she handed him the package that was waiting for him.

Originally, He wore brown contact lenses but removed them after Daniel informed him about the first time confirmation.

She let out a wide smile and put forth her hand, "welcome to Genesis Entertainment, SungJun-ssi."

"Thank you." Jun shook his hand with a smile.

As the both of them returned, the lady in her late twenties thought, "Damn, both of them look so handsome. This place is so much fun to work."

Soon, Jun and Daniel returned to the taxi and drove towards the dorms section.

As Daniel claimed, it indeed looked like an Elite society, although for Jun, it's just a luxurious prison.

They stopped before the gate. There weren't any security guards and the gate will be opened by an app developed by the company.

With a simple swipe in his phone, the gate was opened and the taxi entered the compound. The mansion was fairly big.

Both of them entered the mansion by entering a four-digit code. As soon as Jun stepped inside, he heard the sound of two guys conversation each other, giving direction.

Putting the shoes aside, he entered the living room only to be stunned by the presence of his remaining two teammates who were playing Fortnite together on a PlayStation. The screen was split into two.

"B.I. and Suga? Seriously?"