Jun wants to play bowling

After picking the demo of the second track, Jun returned to the dorm. He found the three of them gathered in the living room, talking about something while busy with phones.

"Hyung, you are back. Did you meet YG-nim?" Daniel was always the first to respond, back at Treasure Campus and he was the same here too.

"Yeah, we were discussing my debut." Jun collapsed on the couch and let out a deep sigh, "It appears that the management doesn't want to take risks. So, they don't want to release the songs written by me."

"But, your songs are good though, especially that Happy Death song. When I heard, I seriously felt goosebumps all over my body." Daniel exclaimed.

Suga and Hanbin stared at the two of them in silence. They didn't know what that song is and neither are they feel that they are close enough to ask about it. Both of them shifted their attention back to their mobile phones.

"Forget about me, tell yours. What are your plans for the next three days? CEO-nim said that we have three days of break." Jun asked him, to which Daniel shrugged his shoulders, "no idea. I guess I'll spend just like how I did for the past two weeks? You know, tour around, and play."

Jun shifted his attention to the remaining two, "what about Hanbin-ssi, and Yoongi-ssi?"

"I think I work around my songs in case they plan my comeback," Hanbin replied to him, almost instantly with his eyes fixed on the phone.

Suga, on the other hand, thought for a bit and said, "It's been a while since I last attended classes. I guess I'll go to college? Or maybe, I too work on music. This is a new month. So, I too needed to fulfill my quota."

"Quota?" Daniel asked him in wonder.

"Didn't you also sign three contracts with the company?" Hanbin answered him with a question.

Daniel shook his head, "Only two, one for group and the other for Solo."

"He's not a songwriter," Jun reminded him.

"Ah, I see. What about Jun-ssi?" He looked at Jun, to which the latter calmly nodded, although wondering what quota is Suga is talking about.

Hanbin then said, "It is mandatory that all songwriters have to send 2 songs every month. If it receives an okay, we'll receive our remuneration, based on our contract."

"My contract seemed to be more generous," Jun thought when he heard Hanbin. He didn't have such restrictions. Jun decided to work on songwriting and improve the stats.

Knowing that he won't get free time later, Jun also decided to have fun these three days. He spent the last three weeks in mourning and didn't get to enjoy spending the time with the things that he enjoys.

He wanted to suggest going out, in the evening.

But then, he remembered that it's his first day of meeting them, and both Suga and Hanbin don't look like people one can be friends with quickly. He decided to take it slow to bond with them. Even if he doesn't care about forming silly friendships, they are still his future group mates.

And he knows for sure that there will be a variety show featuring them. As a former fan, he knows that fans and haters have keen sight in spotting every little issue. Jun doesn't want some haters to mention that the group is too businesslike and they aren't united.

So, he might as well get a head start and get familiar with them now that there's time to do that.

Jun had a couple of things in mind to bond with them. He first asked if anyone is interested in bowling, although he rarely played it.

Suga hesitated at first but then, Hanbin, who was friends with him for two years from their trainee days, dragged him to the upstairs.

"Should we play solo or duo?" Daniel asked them while stopping at the control system at the entrance.

"I guess duo?" Hanbin suggested it to finish the game quickly.

Daniel proceeded with changing the settings. Jun observed that he was very comfortable at it, indicating that he plays bowling regularly.

As for the team selections, it ended up between the Hyung line and maknae line. What's a surprising coincidence here is that Jun and Daniel were also turned out to be the tall ones and Suga, Hanbin were the short ones.

The screen installed at the top displayed Team A and Team B with ten sets. Apart from the tenth set, all the others have two rounds.

Jun wasn't particularly good at bowling. So, he decided to take the first shot, letting Daniel go for the spare.

"Okay, here we go." He made a big step and bent his body, swinging the bowling ball with all his strength.

To his surprise, the ball flew straight in the air and landed almost halfway.


There was a heavy sound when the ball fell on the alley before it sped up and hit the centermost pin.

Apart from the 7th and 10th pins, which are on left and right extremes, all the others fell, surprising Jun himself.

A score of 8 is displayed on the screen.

"Oh, not bad," Hanbin let out a comment. He further thought, "Man, this guy is a freak. He can throw a ball that almost weighs 6kg with such speed as if it is a tennis ball."

"It needed a pro to get a spare though," Suga suddenly added a blunt comment.

"Hyung, you used too much force." Daniel lectured him, instead of praising him. They were close enough for him to do that, though. "For a second it felt as if you want to break them or something."

"It's been a long time since I played. I guess I didn't control my strength." Jun who was surprised at his arm strength himself gave a quick excuse.

While Daniel hit a pin on the right and get an overall score of 9 in the first set and Hanbin proceeded to take the bowling ball, Jun fell into thoughts while staring at his arm, where a couple of veins just popped, "Is this the 8.5 point strength?"

He gradually increased his strength points by just regularly completing daily quests or going to the gym. However, he never tested his strength, before.

Meanwhile, after Hanbin threw the ball, scoring 6 points, he asked, "Sungjun-ssi, can I ask something?"

Jun came out of his thoughts, "what is it?"

"I heard that you were a trainee at ZC before and your sister is Dahyun-ssi who is also in the same agency now. Why didn't you try contacting them and return, instead of trying hard for the reality program?" Hanbin brought a sensitive topic, all of a sudden, making the other two also turn to look at Jun. They were also curious about it.

Daniel never thought of it before too.

Jun didn't expect such a question from Hanbin but he was prepared for this answer, a long time ago as he knew that the press will ask him eventually.

He answered casually, "there are a number of reasons but I guess the main reason is that it is just awkward to run into former acquaintances. The people I trained with became global stars or popular celebrities and to return there as a rookie, it's embarrassing when you look at my position."

"Genesis isn't a good place for a former ZC trainee though. You might have a hard time with the staff members." Suga gave a blunt comment, once again.

A frown appeared on Daniel. He didn't like Suga's tone and his choice of words. Hanbin just ignored it as he knew how Suga is, usually is.

As for Jun, he was mature enough to understand Suga's personality. His words were blunt but there was a concern in it. He understood that Suga wanted him to be careful and be understanding around the staff members. After all, there's used to be a heavy rivalry between Genesis and ZC in the past and with Resonance doing greatly in music charts or the awards, that rivalry was reignited by the fans.

However, Jun still couldn't understand whether Suga's counterpart of his past world used to be like this too or it was only this version. Whatever it is, Jun felt like this needed to be fixed for the sake of the group and for the sake of Suga himself as he is no longer an underground rapper but soon going to become an idol.