Hanbin and Jun go for Grocery shopping

In the end, team maknae wins narrowly after a tight battle. Hanbin looked like he had fun and asked for a rematch. Daniel even accepted the challenge but Suga doesn't seem like he wanted to continue, He rejected it and said in a straightforward manner, "I'm tired of this game. I'm going to play Fortnite."

The atmosphere suddenly turned awkward for a moment before Jun said, "I guess I'll hit the gym. It's been a while since I last work out."

Daniel then looked at Hanbin, wondering if this Hyung will change his plans.

Thankfully, Hanbin didn't. He thought for a bit and said to Suga, "I'll join you after playing a few sets."

Daniel and Hanbin looked at each other as Suga and Jun left the place.

"How many sets?" Daniel asked him.

"5," Hanbin answered.

Feeling impressed by his earlier strength, Jun decided to test his limits as he reached the GYM. The GYM only had weights up to a mere 60 pounds (27 kg) so that the idols don't harm themselves when there's no supervision. Jun easily lifted it. So, he lost interest in the bench press and tried other equipment.

Whether it is cables and pulleys, hammer strength machine, dumbbells, pull-up bar, stability ball, Jun didn't feel like he tried best.

Even the treadmills only had a maximum speed of 14 km/hr. After trying everything, Jun was indeed disappointed by the level. But then again, he understood that it is for their safety.

Finally, Jun's eyes fell on one thing that he never did it. It's the indoor cycle bike (not to be confused with an exercise bike).

As cycling won't have such issues, Jun sat on it and started to pedal. It was there he finally managed to test his limits.

He started with a normal 12 km/hr. After a minute, slowly increased his pedaling speed to 14-15, then, another minute later, increased it to 19-20, then, his speed increased to 24, then, by the fifth minute, it reached 33. He changed the gear.

Every time, Jun only exercised to fulfill the daily missions. But, when his legs hit the speed of 45, he felt an adrenaline rush, and unknowingly, a smile appeared on his body. "This is it…"

By the time he reached 64 km/hr at fourth gear, his legs almost turned into a blur. His heartbeat was at its peak and Jun realized that the bike started to shake more violently and he felt like he will fall down if he pedals anymore faster.

He slowed down and eventually stopped it, then, took a closer look at the screen that displayed his maximum speed, the calories he burned, the distance he covered, etc…

When he stepped down, he suddenly lost the strength in his legs and lost his balance because of obvious reasons. Taking heavy breaths, Jun lies on the floor and stared at the ceiling, "I never knew that exercising is also this fun. But, the equipment here is only useful for a workout, not for fun. I need to visit a proper GYM, later."

He rest there like fifteen minutes before proceeding to run 10 kilometers on the treadmill to complete the daily quest and improved another 0.02 stat points.

After having the shower, Jun came downstairs, rubbing his belly, "man, I'm starving."

Only Hanbin was there in the living room, watching the JTBS channel. There was a drama airing on the channel but Hanbin seemed like he was writing something else in his PC Tablet with an S-Pen.

"Hanbin-ssi, what are you doing?" Jun called him.

He turned his head, "Sung-Jun-ssi, it's nothing. I was just trying to write lyrics. Got an inspiration while watching the episode."

"I see." Jun nodded in understanding that this Hyung is really those types whose life is filled with nothing but music. "Okay, please carry on…"

Jun didn't know what else to talk about and went straight to the kitchen.

The refrigerator was almost empty. Only energy drinks, cool drinks, eggs, and kimchi were available. In the kitchen cabinets, there was nothing but bread and instant ramen, "Ugh, I guess these guys will only eat at the cafeteria."

Jun decided to go to the mart and shop around.

When the thought occurred, his eyes fell on Hanbin's back. He hesitated for a few seconds but eventually asked, "Hanbin-ssi, I'm going to the mart to buy groceries, do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you." At first, Hanbin only gave a disappointing answer but then, he asked, "Do you know cooking?"

Jun nodded with a smile, "Well, you can say I'm fairly good at cooking restaurant foods. If you want to eat something, I can make it for you. By the way, who has the company card? The one for the group."

"Company card? Do you mean the credit card? Daniel had it, last night. Yoongi never steps out of the house except during lunch and dinner. So, I guess Daniel still had now. But, it is useless now as we hit the limit and needed to wait until 10th." Hanbin answered him truthfully before his eyes widened in realization, "don't tell me they didn't give a separate one for you?"

Jun hurriedly waved his hands, "No, I mean, I got one. Just curious about it since it was mentioned in the contract."

Meanwhile, he was surprised inwardly that these people managed to spend 5 million won in just two weeks. It was then he remembered Daniel mentioning how his debt is already over 3 million won.

Either way, it doesn't matter as it won't be added to his debt, considering his contract starts 1st of March. All the purchases made on the card before his contract have nothing to do with him.

"Anyway, if you are free, tag along with me. I'll cook for the housewarming party." Jun stated his plan. Cooking was his second method of bonding with his housemates. Since he had a talent, why not put it into use. Moreover, this way, the expenses regarding the food might also decrease.

"Eh? You'll cook? But, the housewarming party is for you. We should be the ones that need to be treating you, not the other way round." Hanbin was pleasantly surprised. While he was looking forward to tasting Jun's cooking as the latter boasted his skills, Hanbin also doesn't want to bother him too much and make him work. He tried to be modest.

Jun waved his hands, "it's alright. I don't mind. Moreover, it's too expensive to order so many meat dishes, anyway. But, of course, we can just order pizzas and garlic breadsticks and a few burgers and fries too, just in case I mess it up."

Hanbin stared at Jun in silence for a while. He slowly opened his mouth, "well, if you insist."

As the eldest of the group, he was the one that was supposed to treat the new housemate. Based on the cost he was forced to pay, two weeks ago, when he, Suga, and Daniel started to live in the mansion, Hanbin was sure that his pockets will bleed now that another member is added. If Jun wishes to save the money, then, it's even better either way.

After a while, both of them left the mansion and walked to a nearby grocery store, located within Genesis Town.