Encountering a friend

Hanbin and Jun were walking towards the grocery store, which is managed by the company. The artists only needed their identification pass to purchase the required groceries and everything will be added to their debt. Of course, they can use their own money to buy too.

"Hanbin-ssi, you have been with the company for several years, right? Did you meet any celebrities? I don't mean at the awards function. Just here…" Jun asked him, trying to start a conversation as the latter is walking in silence.

"A few times by coincidence but it's unlikely to meet 3rd generation idols because everyone had different schedules." Hanbin gave him a detailed answer. "The actors and the models are belonged to separate subsidiary companies. As for the idols, female idol group members train at training rooms that are located on different floors and have a separate cafeteria.

We can meet seniors who debuted before us but I don't think we can call them celebrities, I mean sure, they have a fan base going on but when compared to Resonance, I guess only Super Junior and Big Bang could match the popularity, although they belonged to different generations."

"Nobody can beat PSY-sunbae though when one considers overall popularity," Hanbin added as an afterthought.

"He talks a little too much that he appears to be," Jun thought as he patiently listened to Hanbin. Previously, when they first met a few hours ago, Jun observed that whether it is Hanbin's expression or his words, they appeared too formal and a bit unnatural as if the latter is forcing himself.

But, now, it appeared to be different. Jun observed that Hanbin's speech appeared to be freer. He wondered whether this guy was just comfortable with one on one conversations or whether he misunderstood the whole time.

"What about ZC? I heard the company isn't that complicated like ours." After explaining, Hanbin continued the conversation, asking Jun about his former company.

Jun replied with a nod, "Regularly. The idols come to the headquarters every week, to shoot practice videos and get an evaluation from the CEO. We kinda gather outside. Other than that, the trainees get to be interacted with the seniors and get some tips, you know. Things like that."

"Are you close with any senior group?" Hanbin continued to ask.

"Not close but I can say, acquainted with a few. It's been several years, so, I guess I'm now a stranger." Jun gave a helpless smile.

As they reached the Genesis Mart, Jun no longer spoke further. He doesn't want to dwell on the memories of the previous owner of the body anymore. They weren't exactly what one would call happy memories.

They entered the store and started to shop around. Even though it's the evening, Jun found the veggies were still kept fresh.

As Hanbin was kept in charge of pushing the cart, Jun took care of selection.

Slowly, one section after another, they finished with the things Jun think he needed, almost filling the entire cart.

It was then Hanbin suddenly remembered the ice cream. He mentioned that Suga likes breaded fish ice cream with vanilla and red bean inside.

"Okay, let's go to the ice cream section. But, where is it?" As Jun looked around, Hanbin pointed his finger, "it was nearby the beverages. By the way, you are 21 in Korean age, right?"

"Ah, Yes." Jun nodded, to which Hanbin asked, "do you drink?"

Jun readily wanted to say yes but then, remembering something pretty important, he controlled his tongue and said, "Well, I was in a vegetative state for the past four years. So…"

"Ah, I see. Never mind, then…" Hanbin waved his hands and pushed the cart. Jun was silent.

There's a ban on smoking because it affects the throat but there's no prohibition on drinking as long as a said idol is legal age. Drinking is a part of Korean culture.

Moreover, the idols are bound to meet investors and have to attend success parties and all. As long as one's tolerance is good, it's better.

But, none of this matters to Jun as he couldn't get drunk even if he drinks 100 bottles of beer. The system will just remove all kind of toxin particles that enters his body. So, along with things like food poison and real poisonous substances, Jun was also free from getting drowsy or high upon consuming the alcohol.

Jun had experimented, a few months ago before the Treasure Campus and he found the result. This is why he was so excited when he cycled at a faster speed earlier.

Back to the present, Jun and Hanbin made their way to the Ice Cream corner.

It was there, they witnessed two beautiful girls discussing something while looking at the list. One of them is familiar to Jun as well but he felt like it would be better to stay away.

Jun stopped in his tracks.

"SungJun-ssi, what happened?" Hanbin had to call him just when Jun was about to turn around.

The girls looked in their direction.

"Ah, nothing," Jun made his way forward.

Upon reaching them, Hanbin greeted them with a simple bow.

They greeted back in return and stepped back a little, thinking that he was going to pass by.

Meanwhile, one of them waved her hand with a look of surprise, greeting Jun, "Oppa, when did you arrive? How are you doing?"

In an instant, Hanbin and the other girl stared at her and then, at Jun.

Jun awkwardly smiled in return and bowed, "Yuna-ssi, I'm fine, thank you. I arrived just this morning."

After more than three months of friendship, Jun and Yuju are close enough to talk informally but seeing Jun stress himself to talk in a formal way, she got the hint and realized that there's Hanbin with him.

To not cause any misunderstandings, she decided to excuse herself. She bowed, "well, it's nice to see you. I'll be on my way."

Yuju dragged her roommate away from there without buying the ice cream and Hanbin looked at him questioningly.

Before he asked, Jun explained himself, "We know each other from Treasure Campus and performed together a few times. There's nothing more than that."

"I didn't say anything though." Hanbin replied as he patted Jun's shoulder and shifted his attention to the list before adding, "Everyone has their own private life. One shouldn't pry into it."

Jun stared at his back for a few seconds. He didn't understand whether this guy is just stating his opinion or trying to tease him. Whatever the case, it doesn't matter for now.

Soon, the both of them returned to the dorm. Jun started the preparations. For the next three hours, he cooked a wide variety of dishes, not only satisfying everyone's appetite but also constantly earning praises from even Suga. As a lover of meat, Suga couldn't even stop talking about how good the food tasted and took pictures of them while comparing them to Michelin star level. Jun was embarrassed by the over-the-top compliments but he tried to be calm.

Of course, selfies are also a must in times like these.

The day ended with Jun and others getting to play card games like UNO. Jun had fun despite losing a lot of games and later, had a peaceful sleep after a long time.

Two more days passed away in a blink of an eye. While one cannot say that all the four of them bonded very much but at least, Jun could have a normal conversation with Hanbin at any time without hesitation. Suga is still a problem as he doesn't seem like he wants to get out of his own world.

The only time he appeared to socialize with Jun on his own was when they play card games or when they eat Jun's cooking. The other times, he's either busy with sleeping, playing Fortnite, or browsing on his phone…

March 4th, 2018, Genesis HQ;

On the 36th floor of the building, the group of four entered their own training room, which is as big as the one Jun saw at the final stage of Treasure Campus.

They waited until a man entered the room. Suga doesn't have much reaction but Hanbin seems to know him very well. He looked at him as if he was meeting a celebrity.

The man stopped before them and introduced himself, "Hello everyone, I'm Lee Jae Wook, director, and CEO of X academy. For the upcoming weeks, we'll be working together."