"Hey, Benny." I smiled at him as he walked into my room and quietly closed my door.
"Your dad's home!" He groaned.
"I told you this morning he was going to be home." I looked at him, kinda annoyed because it was something else he forgot. He looked like he was really upset about something. "Hey what's wrong?" I sat up out of my bed.
He came to me. "Jayden, I am gay." He said quietly and sat next to me.
"That explains gym last Friday." I chuckled, he turned bright red. "Hey, I may not be not gay, I am your best friend, it makes me happy that you think I'm cute."
"Jayden, your gay." He sighed, took my phone from me, I heard a short clip of gay porn I had saved play.
"Am not!" I shouted and grabbed my phone.
Benny let me have my phone, but tackled me to my bed, crawled up to me, smirked down at me. "The porn just downloaded itself?" I nodded. "All forty-seven videos?" I sighed and noticed that Benny was very 'intrested' in what he was doing and huge, my eyes went wide as I stared up at him. "Yea, this is hot." His face filled with blood, a certain body part of my own filled with blood. It pushed my own much smaller part, into his.
"You're so.... so ... big... and I am not." I sighed.
"Yes I am, and, you still wear boys underwear." He smirked, I pouted. He leaned down, moving in for a kiss. His lips touched mine, we kissed, then he bit my lip, I moaned. He pulled away and smirked at me. "Your gay!" I nodded, smiling back up at him. "And now I will make you mine..." He leaned in again, this time biting my neck, I moaned...
"You have been my friend forever, since our parents brought us together from the hospital..." I paused, and looked up at him, thinking about all the things we had done together, how over the last year or two, we had somehow had become even closer friends. Friends called us the old married couple, we'd fight and bicker with each other, just for fun, and were otherwise glued together. Could this be love? I searched deep in his eyes, hoping for an answer. I found it, in his soft misty blue eyes. "Benny, I think I Love You..."
"No!" My dad shouted, as the door, to my room flew opened. "Both of you out!" Benny scrambled off me, I scrambled after him. "Both of you out!" He shouted much louder. Benny pulled me to my feet, Panic ripped through my chest, causing a burning like the blood was freezing in my veins, I clutched his hand. I felt safe-er. Benny looked calm, He ran to the door, in half the time it would normally take, but with my dad yelling, shouting and chasing us. It felt now it felt like hours. "Not in my House!" He shouted, stomping after us. We ran out the door. "Stay out!" He slammed the door. We ran into Benny's house. I closed and locked the door and clung to Benny, my head burried in his chest. His chest pushed my head back, and forward as he panted.
I just laid on him, more than stood, clinging to his chest, panting, trying to hold back my tears. I couldn't. "It's ok Jay." Benny kissed the top of my head. "Your safe I got ya." He whispered
"What is all this racket?" Tammy, Benny's mom holard around the corner of the kitchen, I couldn't let go of Benny, and he just held me to him closer. "About time." She chuckled. I started sobbing. "Hey, Jay?" She asked softly.
"Mom!" Benny objected.
"Come on boys, let's have a glass of chocolate milk." She said. It was always, her way of goading us into talking about our problems, and she always smiled when she said. It always calmed me down, and eventhough I couldn't see her I knew she was smiling. Knowing she was smiling, made me smile.
"Extra chocolate, it's been a long shitty day." I froze, "Crappy day." I corrected my curse.
"Oh fuck! My boys swear when they aren't around me. Mother fucking son of a bitch." Tammy threw her hands in the air and said hilariously overdramatic. Benny and I laughed. "Just don't make it a habit, that's all." She wagged her finger at us, and with the other arm motioned us to the kitchen. We sat while she made the milk, we took our spots across from each other at the table.
I was nervously fidgeting, with my hands. Benny took them. "Its cute when you fidget when you're bored." He smiled and whispered. "I don't like it now." I let him take my hands.
"Benny, you are a good little man." Tammy smiled at him, as she came in with two glasses of milk, one much darker than the other.
"You heard that?" He whined. She smiled and nodded at him
"Sweet!" I celebrated at the sight of an extra chocolate, chocolate milk, ignoring Benny.
"Oh wait there is more!" She smiled as she sat them down. She went back into the kitchen, and came back with two more, one for her, and another extra chocolate one for me. Sat it in front of me and took her seat.
"I really needed this." I smiled at her.
"I know...." She smiled. "So, I am going to start with the elephant, your dad and I kinda figured, you two might be gay." She smiled at Benny. "We don't care one way or the other."
I felt, miserable worse than, a, flatten squirrel in the road. after three days. I took a sip of milk to keep my throat from burning, but it hurt so bad I cried. "OH?" Tammy asked Benny, her voice deep with concern.
"Yea." Benny sighed, "Not in his house." He mocked
"If Min, hadn't passed." She sighed. "Not that, that makes any of this remotely ok." She sighed, and put her hand on mine. "You know, until we get this worked out, you can stay with us." She said with a smile.
I smiled back at her, then the thought this might not get worked out, and what if my dad. What if my didn't want me to be happy, cause I know I would be happy here, and he made me move back in, to torment me.... I forced the smile to stay. "Thanks!" I Said.
The garage door opened, Benny pulled his hand away, "Honey, why is Jayden's...." Tom, Benny's day said but stopped when he saw me, with two glasses of milk, my eyes still red, Benny's hands not holding mine, but both our hands in the middle of the table .There was only one reason why they'd be like that. Benny's look of terror, at his dad, was met with panic from his father.
"Honey!" Tammy scolded.
"Oh, boys!" He smiled. "This is great! I am so happy for you!" He said quickly. "Tammy I need to see you ALONE!" He rolled his eyes to the kitchen.
Tammy forced a smile at us, and walked in, now nervous. Tom spoke quietly but he was so mad, we could hear him shouting quietly at Tammy. I felt the lump in my stomach grow large again. "He's doing what?" Tammy shouted.
"Shh. Shh," Tom pleaded. Whatever Tom was mad about, it wasn't cause' of me, I hadn't as much as a skipped class in a month. Benny took my hand, I smiled at him.
"It's going to be ok." He whispered.
"Uhh, boys." Tom came back. "Jay, I don't know how to tell you, so I am going, to be honest, your father is dumping your stuff in the front yard." Father, that was a good word, for him now. When my mom died, she became My mother, she had always been mom, and when she was gone, I couldn't call her mom. I don't know why, it was like Pez and Pescacdio in Spanish, strangely that made me feel better about it all.
"Benny, why don't you order some pizza and breadsticks." Tammy smiled. "And buy a movie, and go cuddle or something." She smiled. I blushed. "Oh please." She rolled her eyes. "I was your age once too." She smiled.
"Yea a long time ago!" Tom chuckled.
"Go on boys, just one pizza... Benny I am going to kill your father after we are done moving stuff." She smirked. Tom held up two fingers, and mouthed 'Pepperroi'. The two 'adults' left and we went to Benny's room. It was messy, compared to mine, piles of clothes, and a half-full thirty-gallon trash bagful of junk. I hated the mess, but it did smell like him. He closed his door behind us I hopped on his bed, he got in bed put his arm around me, and handed me the remote. I picked the newest sci-fi thriller, 'Bugs from deep space: VII'.
"Of course." Benny chuckled. "You watched the first six, six times."
"Hey" I objected.
"It makes you cute." He sighed, then kissed my head. He ordered a pizza.
"Ham and Pineapple." I poked at his screen and accidentally tapped anchovies.
"Yes dear!" He said a bit scarcstally."No back seat ordering." He kissed my head. I leaned back into him. He ordered the pizza, and he snuck in cinnamon bread and paid with the balance on his gift card. That is how his parents got around giving him a debit card and let him do all the ordering, it was one of his chores, his 'chores' were so easy compared to mine, and he got a lot more money than I did. When he turned thirteen he got a raise to a 'teenagers' allowance, I still got twenty bucks, my dad said when I took a girl out I'd get my raise then.
About an hour later. "Boys?" Tom shouted A few seconds later, there was a knock at the door. "Boys? Are you in here?"
"We are cuddling, where else would we cuddle?" Benny asked annoyed.
"Are you uh... Decent?" Tom asked, a bit hesitantly.
"Eww dad, yes we are, just come in." Benny said with contempt and disdain
The door opened. "Well, your mom and I thought you'd use the couch."
"Yea but it's lumpy." Benny whined.
"Just keep the door opened." Tom nodded,
"We never had to before." Benny objected.
"Before you never, thought about each other, when you felt 'urges'." He said calmly I blushed, I wanted to disappear. I had 'urges' about benny before. When Benny and I jerked off together, I felt so dumb for dismissing them, as excitement for doing something so taboo. I curled up into a ball.
Tom sighed. "It's ok if you have." He sat on the edge of the bed. "It is, really Jay. Your old enough that I'd be worried if you haven't." He paused. "What I should have said, be curious and brave enough to act on them..."
"Daddy!" Benny whined.
"Then cover your ears, cause I think Jayden needs to hear." He smirked at Benny, who huffed a protest. "When your mom passed, your dad took it hard, it changed him, and he always carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. Your mom was so good for him because she was really good at taking some off without him knowing." He sighed. "Sometimes good people do bad things, give him a few days, to calm down, maybe he'll cool down."
"Don't lie to him." Tammy sighed from the door. "Jay, your dad has lost it...."
"Hon! " Tom objected.
"How else would you describe his reaction? How else would you explain his actions to him...." Her eyes darted to me. I was obvious as to why.
"Ok." He shrugged.
"We brought in most of your things, he broke your tv, and the screen on your laptop." Tears welled up in me, it was Benny's he gave it to me when he got his new one. Benny was kinda spoiled, but knew it, and was literally the most generous guy I knew. so every year when he got a new one, he gave me his old one. I started to cry again.
"Hey, we talked about it, we'll go after dinner and get you a new one, just like Benny's." Tom smiled.
"Thanks, but that one was special, cause, Benny gave it to me." I sniffled.
Benny leaned his head in close to me, I wanted him to kiss my head again, I didn't care his parents were in the room. He didn't. "Well then we buy me a new one and you can have my old one." he said.
"Benny!" Tammy objected.
"I'd like that." I mumbled.
"Tammy, the boy is a hopeless romantic." Tom chuckled. "If that is what makes him happy., it's only a few months old any how." Tammy nodded. The doorbell rang Benny got the pizza.
"Hmm..." Tammy said as Benny set the pizza down on the kitchen table. "I said one pizza, but two is fine... Since I didn't kill your father, after all, that can wait until he paints the guest bedroom I guess." She chuckled. "But I see two little boxes, so I am guessing you ordered Cinna bread too." She smirked. "I thought I turned off free will mode." Everyone laughed at The Sim's reference, unlike my dad, Benny's Parents were gamers too, that is why he always got a cool laptop for his birthday, they got it.
"Yea, that automatically turns back on say... Around thirteen, and you can't turn it off." Benny chuckled. We ate, I was treated to more strong chocolate milk, but warned it was a treat, and not to get used to it. We went to the computer store, and Benny got a new computer. We got home and we ran to Benny's room, to play with our new toys.