"Benny?' Tom asked.
"Yea?"Benny, stopping almost to his room.
"Can I see you for a minute?" He asked. "I'll give him right back." He said to Jayden.
Jayden nervously followed him to the living room. The two were alone, which was rare, cause it was where we all lived. Benny suddlenly felt there was going to be a talk, and pepaird for it. He had always suspected that is why his parents bought him gaming laptops, instead of gaming computers. For Christmas one year he got a new graphics card for his old desktop, and after a few weeks, his parents made Wendsdays family game night, and Friday movie night, Of course, Jayden was invited. That same year he got my first gaming laptop, kinda a cheap thing, but he could game in the living room. He knew he had the coolest parents, Jayden loved his dad, he ignored, how terrible he was.
One day two years ago, Jayden's dad left us at Walmart, after we looked for him for a bit, we called him. He said he had to run to another store, for work, and he'd be back soon. Walmart security started to follow us around after three hours. After an hour of us playing hide and seek with them, they kicked us out. Benny wanted to call hi mom for a ride, but Jayden said no, that the boys should walk home, and his dad would pick them up on the way. That was two hours, into a two and a half-hour walk home. Jayden told his mom and asked her why Jayden would defend his father. She said love is blind. He told her he didn't deserve Jayden's love, she chuckled at him funny and didn't say anything.
"What's up?" I asked.
"So, there is a really good, chance Jayden, won't go back to live with his father." Benny's dad said, Benny grinned. "Hey, that doesn't mean he can live here." Benny's face turned red and he felt anger welling deep inside him. "If it was up to us, he would, but it may not be." Benny felt the heat in him cool, still, angry Jayden could be taken from him, just not from his own parents.
"Yea." Benny sighed, trying not to look as devastated as he was.
"But my work, has allowed me a few connections with the right people, and my reputation, has allowed for a mutual respect, so I think we are safe enough to assume, it's going to happen, but we shouldn't get Jayden's hopes up..." Jayden nodded him. "That said, you understand that adding another teenager to the house, will mean we will have to make a few cutbacks."
"As long as he can stay with us, he shouldn't be alone, somewhere..."
"I agree, so this laptop every birthday thing is going to have to change, we just can't do two new laptops in one month...."
"Dad." The teen whined. "I just want to keep him safe, that's all that matters now, I owe him that much."
"Benny, this isn't your fault either." His dad said in his 'Listen I am your father tone', stern, calm, and reassuring. Then he handed him the thing that brings dread to every teen boy's heart, " There is one way to put this on, so it rolls." Then he handed me a little bottle. "I don't know the specifics, but you'll need this too."
"Yes dad I know!" I grumbled, I blushed as he raised an eyebrow at me.
"Relax your mom and I both figured, you have been secretly watching porn." He chuckled. I huffed at him. "I Did when I was your age, and I did it on the family computer, your phone is in your room all the time. You just need to understand, most of what you see, isn't sex, it's acting, sex is messier, more awkward, and you should wear a condom."
"Yea I know!" He huffed. "I took a health class."
"Ok, I think you get the point, put those away, until you're both ready... Now go drink energy drinks and stay up until five or something." He chuckled.
"Thanks!" I sighed relieved and practically ran to my room.