Chapter Cinque (5)

Judge Roders POV

"I believe you wanted a word, Mrs. Tyrill? My chambers?"

Mrs. Tyrill nodded. "Please!" She followed her in and closed the door.

"What Can I do for you?" I took off my robe.

"I had a case brought to my attention, and it is rather urgent." She said, handing me a file. I opened it and saw a custody waiver had already been signed. "Counselor Tylers brought it to my attention." I looked at her, I knew he had tipped her off to some bad situations in the past. I scanned the file. "Jayden, his neighbor and son's childhood friend from birth, hours apart..." I was waiting for the and. "And, boyfriend." She delivered one hell of an and.

"Please sit." I motioned her to a seat in front of my desk. "And if the little Romeo's break up? I agree it is really good at least in the short term, but boy's change their minds."

"The boys started a yard mowing business, Benny's parents say the boys have been 'crushing' on each other for a year, and are able to handel their problems better than most adults can. Besides, he has his own room, he can retreat to."

I nodded my head weighing the options. "Have you met both of them?" I asked her.

"Yes, and Benny is very supportive, and they seem to need each other right now, I told them to expect a phone call." She smiled at me.

"Are they at home?" She nodded at me. "very well." I called the house.

"Tyler's residence." A woman answered. "I am Tammy How may I help you?" She asked as if she practiced a thousand times. A very positive first empression, it meant, she felt she had to be perfect. It meant she cared.

"Mrs. Tylers this is Judge Roberts, I was told you were expecting my call."

"yes, we were. Did you want to speak With Jayden?"

"Yes in just a bit. I wanted to know how you thought he was doing?"

"Oh well, he's a tough boy." She sighed. "But this is really hard on him, he is trying to stay positive, there are times he can't. Benny has been by his side the entire time, he would have had Jayden been straight, and Benny was in love with another boy."

"They are that close?"

"Yes!" She said so confidently and so quickly I got the image of her nodding. I smiled.

"Can I speak with Benny for a while?"

"Yes." She answered. "Benny!" I heard her shout hand muffling the phone.

The phone jumbled and rustled. "Hello..." A young voice popped in, I heard, his mom coach him, and I silently chuckled to myself. "... I am Benny."

"Hello Benny, I am judge Roberts, how are you?" I asked.

"Ok, I wish Jay-J was feeling better."

There was a pause, I almost asked if he was ok then I heard a faint. "Benny!" whine in the background,

"Still a private residence." Benny chuckled. "He said I can't call him that in public."

"You'r going to make a tricky lawyer, you could practice law with your father."

"Really you think?" He asked like it was the first time he had heard it.

"Yea, that's good trickery, but I'd through it out on tenchality." I chuckled.

"Could you keep that between us, he smiles after he's done whining?"

"As long as he's smiles." I chuckled.


"I know you're a smart kid, so I know you know why I called. It's tough for me, because you are both young, and no one expects a break up."

"Yea, I know." He sighed. "Jayden and I have been friends forever, we have known each other long enough to just tell each other how we think it is."

"That's a good thing, what if that changes, or something happens and you can't?"

"Well, we just give it some time and space then we try again." He said like everyone did that.

"Sounds mature, Can I talk to Jay-y?" I grinned.

He laughed. "Jay-J!" He shouted, and another whine.

"Hey, this is Jayden." Another slightly less sparkly young man said, slightly unsure, with an uncertain waver.

"Hello Jayden, this is Judge Roberts..."

"Oh, sorry Hello." He said so eager to change his answer, he had to be a ball of nerves.

"Oh, no it's fine, Jayden." I said reassuring him. "You have been through a lot. I am sorry you have had to go through it." I paused, but he remained silent. "So do you think you love Benny?"

"I am as sure as I am about anything, I suppose." He sighed.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Well, when we started to uhh, mature..." He paused, sounding like he had seen something his parents doing something he should have.

"I understand." I said reassuring him.

"We got closer, I noticed that I was doing little things for him, and he was for me. We both were excited to spend time together, and we started spending all our time together talking about girls...." He paused. "Before we realized we both were gay." He sighed.

"Just one more question. What would you do if you and Jayden stop dating?"

He let out a long slow sigh, he was waiting for an answer. "You know I'd be sad, I am sure." I nodded at his admission. "But really I just want him to be happy, with me or someone else."

"Do you think you would get jealous?"

"That's two questions." He chuckled, then stopped.

"You have a good sense of humor." I chuckled. "It's fine."

"Thanks." He sighed. "Of course I would be, for a while. Wouldn't you?"

"I think we all would." I admitted. "Well Jayden, I just have to Call Tom, but I think this is a very good decision. I'll see you soon, I am sure."

"Great bye!" He said then hung up the phone.

"Good boys." I chuckled and hung up the phone.

"Very good." Ms. Tyrll nodded.

"I think I need to talk to Tom, is he in his office?" I asked, she nodded. I called his office. "Hello, Tom."

"Judge Roberts. I am glad you could call."

"Me too, you're a loyal officer of the court, and still find a way to take care of your client's children."

"I try, within the law." He said.

"Yes, I played that game too." I sighed. "Just one question. Do you think this will work out?"

"The boys are young, and love forever sounds so easy, at that age." I nodded in agreement. "But, Benny is ten hours older than Jayden, there is no doubt, they will be friends forever."

"Have everyone come to my chambers at five, We will take care of the formalities."

"Thank you very much." He sighed like he had won a long battle