Chapter 1 Flashback Begins

"Growing up has always been hard. Especially living without a father to not have someone support when you are badly in need, or pretending to not have a father. Mother was stronger than the world expected her to be. Probably because of the lessons she learnt in life. But that had screwed up my life really bad," Volca scribbled down on her notes. She was sitting on top of the roof of a castle. Her long dark hair lying free on the back, flying in the breeze. Her bronze eyes glistening with unknown emotions. She had too much to tell the universe, but she couldn't utter a word, afraid of the rules, the punishments and consequences she would have to face from her own birth mother. Dressed black and maroon chiffon gown and black boots upto her knees, and a belt fastened around her hip that held her sword, Purple blade, and perfume sachet and a small pouch emergency energy pills and elixirs given by her personal apothecary.

The sun was about to set which made the sky look too hard to the eyes off and irresistible, making the mind cool and out down all the worries. The purple orange and pink clouds filled the sky. Volca always enjoyed sky gazing in her free times, that always eased her heart from all the crazy thing she go through every single minute she breathe. She gasped and looked for the certain star in the distance the constellation of cancer. She smiled then as she couldn't help it, though it ached her demonic heart. She pointed her finger towards it trying to reach out to it. "Wish I had one too, up there, like yours," she said. "I wonder what my life would have been like if I was not a Demoness, if we i didn't have a demonic connection, if both of us were normal cultivators, or even simple humans on earth, I wonder how our lives would have turned into." She wrapped her arms around her legs, placing her head on top of the knees, continuing to sky gazing. The notepad and the quill on the roof next to her.

Volca had the duty to handle something back at her school. Her mother's words echoed in her ears, "Get the Princess here, and the boy home, we will benefit a lot from it, remember that," Volca's heart shivered. She couldn't imagine doing the things her mother had ordered her to. To cheat her own best friend, her only best friend and her love, the boy she had fallen for at first sight. She couldn't say no since her mother is the commander of the Demon Army and also afraid that her mother would punish her severely in the name if growing up well. She couldn't understand why and had no idea how to being her best friend Aqua walk into the Demon Castle and her Senior Brother Huo along. She tried to come up with way such aa bringing them for a trip, or asking help to take her away from Hell and then trapping them in the house here, but nothing felt possible. She looked at the Cancer shining bright in the sky again with tears in her eyes. "Will you forgive me senior brother?"