Chapter 18

Volca expected it to be a city when she stepped out of the never ending hectors of hospital land. But when she did, she saw endless green fields and hills in the distance. Farm lands and orchards everywhere as she walked through the door carrying her bags. She couldn't stop looking around in wonder. It looked breathtaking but at the same time too rural. She couldn't remember how she ended up in this place. And she couldn't stop but ponder over the kind of life she should lead since her power was not coming back to her, falling in a deep sleep.

The sun shone bright above the sky, which made her skin feel warm and tan. She could not find any shops or anything on the way. "It looks like hospital is situated too far away from the housing area," she said to herself, feeling tired.

Volca wiped her sweat, on her sleeves of her white cotton frock. She was wearing a flat loafers on her legs. Then in the distance she found a small cottage surrounded by another farm. She walked faster to see if there are any inhabitants. And luckily she did find old lady, wrinkled but cute with hair put up and wearing floral printed colourful dress.

"Hello little one, how may I help you?" the old grand ma asked.

"Hey, I am not from here," Volca said. She didn't know what to tell about her. "I want to know.. " she paused in between.

"Yes?" grand ma asked.

"I want to know if there are any places I can live for long," she asked.

"Plenty my dear, plenty," Grand mother said and got up from her seat. "Which part of the village do you want to live?"

"Crowded place close to town?" Volca bluffed, Trying to see if there is any.

"Oh that's great, I can take you to my daughter's place, she rents houses there, maybe she can help you, this is my little cottage to look after the farm," Grand ma said. "Give me half an hour let me finish work and let's head to town together," she said.

"That would be great," Volca said and waited for the old lady. "Do you need any help?" she asked when she saw the old lady struggling with carrying some buckets. Volca rushed towards the grand ma and took one of the buckets from her hands and carried them following the lady towards the farm.

Old lady opened the bucket and pour the cow dung and fertilizers in the foot of the tall plants. "These are tapiocas," the lady said. "Fertilizers, this, we made, it is natural, I mixed it, it grows well if you put this, I sell them too," she said. Volca had no idea what she was talking a but smiled and agreed to everything.

"Aha, that's great, lucky plants," she said not knowing what else to say. Grand ma laughed aloud listening to her.

"I can understand that you do not know a thing about this plants and fertilizers," old lady said and led the way for Volca to return back to the main road. Grandma washed her hands well and stepped out locking the door. They walked forward and reached a small bus stop.

"We should take the bus from here, the town is a little far away from here," she said as they waited for the bus. Volca patiently waited and listened to the nonstop chat from the old old lady replying very minimally.