Chapter 85 The God And The Demoness

The land looked dry, with plateaus and mountains, covered by desserts on all four sides. The hot springs and volcanic eruptions, puddles of lava and smoke covered everywhere like mist, bushes with red poison flowers bloomed at the right time of the season. It looked different from any other world and beautiful in it's own way. She could see the planet Mars close by. 

She then saw him. Grand master, one of the greatest super gods of Demons and the handsome one with ample grumpiness. 

People has always been afraid to reach out to him. But she did not care about it. She had things she wanted to know desperately. 

She climbed the rocks and reached the top point where he lives. 

She called out. "God, you in there?" She asked. "Demon God hello, please help me," he did not respond though she could see him. "Hey handsome god, please listen to me, am begging you,"