Chapter 86

Doctors called Jiah. In a hurry. They gave her a list of medicine. She had no clue what to do. Perplexed. 

At that time, Volca was nowhere to be seen around too. But Jiah was saved. "I will do it," Jiah heard a person say it. It was George. She did not expect him to do it. Standing next to her. 

George then rushed towards the pharmacy inside the hospital itself. The doctors informed that there has been slight improvement in his responses. 

Jiah kept praying. She did not stop. She could not. She had a feeling that if she stops asking God they might take her son away. But she did not know to whom to pray to. She asked several gods. Several religions, several types of beliefs to cure her son immediately. She could not imagine a life where he would no longer be there, making her life dead. She swore that she would take her life away if he does not survive so that they both can live together in another world not caring what a great sin quitting one's own life is.