Chapter -3

The man gave her a warning that he won't come back to save her this time and closed his eyes. He slept just like that. she stood there for a long time. Not knowing what to do. 

He was right, she had seen this place tonight. she had pleaded but no one came to save her; they were enjoying her misery. her tears made them feel good. All were demons.

 Tears were still flowing like rain from her eyes. She never felt this vulnerable in her life. He was right she couldn't go out. But could she trust him?

 'I have to remain alert. I can't take the risk. But if I need to fight, I need energy.' With that thought in mind, she went to the kitchen and started eating fruits,as only fruits and drinks were available in the fridge. She ate everything she could.

She checked her purse wasn't there. So she had no money even if she went out of this place unscathed. How would she go home without money at this hour?

 'Looks like I have to stay here.'

 For the first time, she looked around. It was definitely a suite, there was one bedroom and one attached room, an open kitchen, a big lounge, sofas and a small two sitting dining table. The room had a big chandelier, soft velvet sofas. Velvet carpets, wallpapers on the wall. He must be very rich.

 She went to the bathroom and that's when she noticed, her eye makeup was ruined and fell around. "I really look like a creep" she double-checked the lock and looked around for hidden cameras.

After being sure that there was nothing like that. She immersed herself in a hot bath. And thought about all the things that happened today. 

Losing a job, going out with my roommate. Having a drink, waking up in a car. Getting dragged here. All the mess and then saved by a stranger. Although he had saved her. He reeked danger. From his eyes to his look. Although he looked like he was sitting there freely in a lazy style.

 His eyes were following her every move. Like a hawk keeps an eye on its prey.

He was more dangerous than the people he saved her from. She may have fought with them by breaking a few bottles and hurting them or herself.

 But with him, she wasn't sure if she could even hurt herself without his permission. She shook her head and shoulders and took a deep sigh. Right now he was the only way to keep herself safe.

Since she didn't have any clothes with her. She wore the same dress as before, that's when she realized it was torn from many places. It must be when they were dragging her. 

She looked around but there were no clothes, not even his. Looks like he was right when he had told her that he didn't have a shirt to wear. 

But instead of settling herself in the bedroom. She must stay out with him so that she could keep an eye on him. 'In case he decided to play a trick. I must be prepared.'

She came back where he was, and looked out of the window. From the height, it must be the third floor. 'If I decide to jump from here. If not die, I will definitely break many bones.'

 She took a deep sigh again. Today is the most unlucky day of her life. Tears were again threatening to come out. So she looked above and blinked her eyes several times to stop them. She didn't want to be a cry baby. But life was becoming cruel to her day by day.

After a while, she came and sat on the adjacent sofa, where he was sleeping in a sitting posture. "How can someone sleep like this" 

She looked at him curiously. For the first time in the night, she looked at the man who brought her here. His jet black hairs, long eyelashes were more beautiful than a girl.

 His chiselled jawline sculpted face, broad shoulders, and muscled yet lean chest. He had all the muscles at the right place, lean from the waist, a perfect v-shaped guy. 

When he was dragging her, she was sure she was just reaching his shoulders; he would definitely be 6 or more. He was right, he didn't need to force a girl. Girls would automatically come to him.

God knows when, but when she was keeping an eye on him, she also fell asleep. The moment she drifted to sleep. He snapped his eyes open, and smirked. 

" You are the most foolish angel I have ever found," he said, caressing her hair and then smelling her. 

"You are reeking of God's smell" he made a disgusting face and left her hair that instant. Then he looked at her face intently "then why am I not able to hate you. Huh?" He shook his head and smiled at his own statement. 

"But one thing I failed to understand is why didn't you use your powers to save yourself. And why were you so afraid?

 Even if you are only half-angel you would still have been stronger than them. Why are you behaving like pathetic humans? Damsel in distress huh? What is your motive angel?" Looks like he had to keep a keen eye on her for the time being.

He closed his eyes again and then left his body there. His soul drifted to hell and there he went to his palace.

 As a prince of hell, he has all the books and parchments consisting of information about all the living beings on earth or in heaven. He concentrated on her face in his mind and tried to find her information.

 All the books started circularly moving around him. Flying and moving around. Pages automatically flipped. And turned books changed and the same process followed but he found nothing. 

He frowned and tried to concentrate more. That's when he felt a jerk. Someone was jerking his body. 

"Damn it! that angel what is she taking him as.. A sack of potato?" His eyes turned red again like a volcano burst open.