Chapter -5

"After that, I lost consciousness. And when I came back to my senses. Four men were dragging me and rest is all known to you." She said in a very low and sad voice. 

He was sure If he didn't have a strong listening ability, he wouldn't be able to listen to everything. But he was confused.

"You mean to say you are working here under someone. Why don't you start your own work?" he asked with furrowed brows. The confusion was clear in his voice.

"Huh. I.. I don't have that much money" 'I don't have money to have a good meal and here he was talking about starting her own business. 

What to say, rich people! what did he think money would come from? ' she frowned at her thoughts.

While he was confused with her reply, wasn't money just a man-made thing. She should have access to all the gold, diamonds and hidden gems of the earth. 

She could get money from that as much as she wanted. Looks like angels still believe in giving rather than taking. 'Hypocrisy' he snorted at that which she took as a mockery. 

Her anger rose and her face turned ugly but she reminded herself that she needed this man to go out. Sometimes we needed to be polite for our gain. 

'Relax 'relax' she chanted and took deep breaths. She was able to relax when she heard his voice.

"Look, little angel, humility is a good thing, I appreciate it. oh, who am I kidding! although I disgust this humbleness. But that is what you are known for. 

So I can understand but in your condition, your modesty is drowning you. Are you here on a mission, if not why don't you return to your home? Or are they banning half angels, you know I hardly met your type. You are very rare indeed." He said, touching her hair.

All she understood was he was crazy, his wording and sentences were not making any sense. And like a creep, he toucheed her. 

First her sweat, and now her hair. Oh, God was he a psycho! She gulped at her thoughts. She took another deep sigh and asked

 "uh, Mr Asbeel I am not getting what you are saying." She replied very nervously.

The man who was sitting leisurely up till now stood up abruptly and asked in a threatening tone "what did you say?"

The girl took two steps back and her knees almost gave up. She took hold of the wall behind her and put her weight on it and replied more nervously than before

 "I.. I didn't understand your meaning"

"No before that," he asked and took more steps towards her. Each step was like a predator is taking towards its prey.

"Mmm.. mister Asbeel " she almost fell and stammered. 'Oh lord oh lord please save her'

"Are you mocking me, angel?" He asked with a very low and cold tone giving signs of danger. In the next second there was a strange knife on her neck. 

"Do you think you are above me? I can dispose of you right here."

"I. I am not mocking you Mr Asbeel, Lord Asbeel. God Asbeel. Please forgive this lowly human. Please" her voice was full of fear.

"What nonsense are you spouting, have you lost your mind. You. You are calling me god. And yourself a lowly human. Tell me what's your plan or else I will kill you right here." He said tightening his hold over her neck on which she started coughing.

"I. I am sorry. Tell me how you would like to address yourself. I would follow anything you say. Please leave me. Let me go, please" she asked, shivering and coughing.

"Pathetic" he made a disgusting face and left her neck. She fell on the ground at the same moment. 

Her whole body turned too heavy for her to bear. She tried to inhale as much air as she could.

"So, any angel is coming to take you." He asked sitting back again leisurely as nothing happened just a moment ago and they were just talking from the start.

"S..sir, I don't know what you are talking about? I am an orphan and no one will come to take me." She replied, still leaning on the wall. and sitting on the floor.

"Orphan, your words confuse me. The devil knows what nonsense you are spouting. Make things clear to me this instant" he demanded, "or else." 

He didn't continue his threat but there was no need to. The incident a moment ago was clear in her memory like living hell.

She wanted to shout and yell that it was you who was spouting nonsense since morning but she was too afraid to do so. 

Just a moment ago he was sitting lazily and within a second he came to her and put a knife on her neck. 

And only God knows from where he took that knife. She wanted to live but didn't know how to make things clear to him who himself was talking in puzzles.

She took deep breaths to control her emotions. And then decided to speak whatever she knows about her. "I.. I had an accident a year ago. 

And when I gained consciousness in a hospital they told me, people from the accident spot brought me there and they collected some money and paid for my treatment. Later when no one ever came for me. 

They shifted me to an orphanage trust who paid my bills regularly. I had no identity card, money or anything with me. That can tell me who I am. 

So I assumed that either I didn't have any family or they didn't care for me anymore. The.. The patients with me, who were in the same ward, started calling me angel as they thought I looked like one.

 So, the orphanage made a temporary identity card for me naming Angela Merkel. I was working in a coffee shop but the manager kept harassing me. Last evening he tried to force himself on me. So I kicked him at.. At. And ran away.