Authors note:

Hey guys,

This is my first time writing on a sensitive topic like angels and demons. I think it's a sensitive topic because it's related to the religious belief of many people. I have taken me all characters for the Bible. But it's a fiction story. So please don't judge them or relate too much with their real story. Although I will try to depict it the same as much as possible.

The reason for writing this note is a male lead hero. I had chosen Asbeel, the fallen angel as my male lead. So, to know more about his background story I did a simple background search on him trust me spent more than 10 hours on it. But the more I researched, the more it broke my heart.

I came to know that Asbeel, in reality, is a female named, Anzhela. She changed her vendor through magic due to a traumatic event. I was bewildered so I changed the male lead to Azazel. But I am not satisfied with his character, I know you would say that it's my novel I can depict him the way I want. But that would finish the main element of the story.

I have changed the name from Asbeel to Azazel in the first eight chapters. But his background is just not up to the hero needed.

So I am sorry but I am changing it back to Asbeel. Please take him as male all the time or the story when he was a male.

Asbeel, the one who has abandoned himself from God, and His grace.

He is a grey character who is not evil but detests God. well, something in the middle. I am inspired a lot by his story. So, I am trying to depict it in my, I am changing his name back to Asbeel from Azazel. Hope you would like it. But please do remember that this novel is complete fiction.

Thank you.