
She couldn't help but imagine him as a kid asking for kiss on his wounds. A giggle escaped her lips and she happily kissed on his wound but what she didn't expect was true to his words, the wound actually vanished. Like it wasn't there in the first place.

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened again. She shook his hand and turned it, again and again. She expected that somehow the wound would return and it was also a delusion just like last night hallucinations. 

"What! It was a burn, not some dust or material stuck in my hand that you will find by shaking it or looking here and there. I have told you it would be cured if you kiss it." He replied amused by her reactions.

But this didn't clear her doubts but increased "tell me how is this possible. How did the wound disappear?" She was still unsure of what just happened. Everything related to him was a mystery. A thick 

"Magic," he said moving his fingers and blinking. And she just nodded. She doesn't have any scientific explanation anyway. So she would believe that he did some trickery. "Did you just trick me to kiss you?"

"If you haven't noticed my little angel, I have tricked you every time since the day we met" he started the fact standing up from the seat and giving her a hand to stand up. "I would have liked to talk with you here all day, but I would prefer to wear clothes now. And although I am liking the view. You should also do the same."

She followed his gaze and that's when she noticed her white tank top is stuck to her body due to sweat and one could easily see the outline of her curvaceous cleavage and much more. 

She coughed to hide her embarrassment and scurried off from there like a bunny. She even missed the fact that just like his wound her sprained ankle also got healed without using any tube or spray just by his touch.

The moment she reached her room, she closed the door with a thud. And leaned against it to calm her heart who was beating fast like a drum. She rubbed her heart to soothe it and took deep breaths.

 "Looks like I have to buy Buddhist scriptures to keep myself in control."

When she looked at the watch it was already around 8 and soon it would be time to take breakfast. She calmed herself and went to take a bath. 

The warm water against her cold body studies her nerves. After that, she went to the kitchen to make breakfast and just when she laid the table with dishes. He was there.

He was very punctual, but he hardly eats just a few bites that are it. She cooked now two sets of food. One purely veg for her and non-veg for him. When he finished his food and wiped mouth with the napkin and looked at her she asked: 

"Sir I wanted to talk about something."

"Why were you crying in the gym?" He was sure the pain was gone before she cried, then the reason must be something else. He should be happy seeing the angel in pain but didn't know why her pain made him worried since the day she has met him.

They both spoke at the same time. And then smiled together. " Ladies first," he said smiling.

"Sir, the bag you gave me the other day, I want to return a few things from it," she said awkwardly.

 The truth was she wanted to return everything except two pairs of shoes and a few casual wear. She didn't need jewellery and expensive dresses. It's not like she had to attend galas or parties. She couldn't have things for which she couldn't pay. 

He had already done a lot by keeping her here. She shouldn't be greedy.

"Why are things not up to your liking?" And then he looked at Lucas who bowed his head and god knows where started going. "You can keep them and he will bring new things for you."

"No, I didn't mean that. Lucas, you don't need to go." But like he couldn't hear her or she just didn't exist for him. 

"Sir, let me explain first. Will you?" She asked expecting him to stop his ever so following butler.

"Lucas let little angel finish first, she is looking quite frantic." And just like that he stopped and came back to his position.

 Now two questions were there in her mind. How the hell he didn't hear her when he was just a few steps away? and how in the name of lord could he hear his boss when he had already crossed the corridor and couldn't be seen. 

Because Asbeel's voice was barely above a whisper for only her to hear with a small distance. She came out of her reverie when she heard

"Little angel we both are waiting" she wanted to say only you are waiting because the guy behind you didn't give a damn about what I wanted to say or thought except your commands. But decided against it. After all, it's a sign of deep loyalty.

"Uh, I wanted to say that the dresses and jewellery are very elegant and luxurious but I don't need them." Sensing his confusion she further explained, "I wear simple clothes daily and it's not like I have to go to a party where I need all those dresses and accessories. So it will be a waste to keep them." 

She tried her best to explain to him that these things are wasted on her.

She wanted to add the word maid but halted thinking of morning events.