Taint her

"That's a long story, but that is not what important right now. I want you to keep this fact to yourself that she has the devil ring." He said looking into her eyes, to check the honesty of her next words.

"Of course I would do that. But.." She wanted to say something but he stopped keeping a finger on her lips.

"Shush, when did you start worrying so much? I don't want wrinkles on this beautiful face even when it's just a facade." He said smiling taking his hands from her lips to her cheeks. Then he looked at her from top to bottom and said: "you are looking pretty."

She blushed and closed her eyes, yes she only feels like that in front of him. He is her crush since she first met him in a ritual where witches pray and please devils. "I always look good, you just don't notice." She said with a pout to hide the fluttering feelings his touch is giving her in the pit of her stomach. Can anyone just feel wet with a mere touch of hands on the cheek? because she is feeling now.

"That you do." He replied with a smile and took a strand of her hair to put behind her ears.

"So, what are you here for? The amulet" he asked with a smirk. "What! Do you think you can hide things from the devil?"

"Azazel must have told you. He can't keep anything from you. It was it meg?" She asked with a raised brow. Her coven has hidden the fact that the necklace human found, has a stone of their amulet. She is here to take it back to her coven.

"Why are you here?" She asked back.

"Don't ask stupid questions to change my view about you again. What! I see you are glaring me a lot today. I thought you were in love with me. Anyways as for your question, I go to every party. I love parties. They show the sins of human here. Lust, jealousy, pride, anger and whatnot. These are the places where demons live. Now if you will excuse me. I have to go to my table and have a drink." He said with a smile taking her hand in his and giving a sweet kiss on the back of her hands.

"Wait would you dance with me once before going?" She asked with pleading eyes. She knew if she lists this chance it will take many years to meet him again.

He looked at the desperation in her voice while she was still standing there arrogantly as always, as the princess of her coven it was engraved in her bones to never show any kind of vulnerability. Their future is in her hands. And witches prefer to die than beg. To see her like this even stuns him every time.

"You know why I like you because your haughtiness gives me competition. The feeling of superiority makes people now to you. Always keep it like that." He said looking into her eyes.

She blinked her eyes and came back to the power he is talking about. She looked at him with pride and smiled enchantingly. "I deserve a dance as compensation of ditching me, her voice has no request but proclamation at which he chuckled and bowed his head in humour " of course, my lady. Let me have a drink, I will have my first dance with you."

She bowed back and returned to her seat.

When he reached his seat. He saw Angela having a hearty meal, not the least bit affected by her surroundings, who would believe that she just had an argument with the witch princess.

What should he call her naive or fool? He shook his head and sat there. She looked at him and smiled. Then continued her eating. 'Jesus this fruit pie is damn tasty.' There was the enjoyment of things on her face.

"You had an argument with Helena?" He asked taking the sip of wine. She blinked at his question 'was he talking about the girl in the red dress. She knew only one Helena after all. But they didn't have an argument. They just talked'

She chewed the food in her mouth and assessed his face. 'Did she tattle tale about her, looking at her pride it doesn't look like she is that type of girl? Was he listening to their conversation, No she had looked around. He wasn't here. Was he giving a fluke. Hmmm'

"We didn't have an argument. She just asked a few questions and I answered her honestly. Then she wanted the ring but I told her it's yours. And after a few more questions she left without saying anything. She was a beautiful girl though. Just like an angel." She said with a smile

He literally choked on his drink. And this would be the first time he did that. "She is what?" He asked again without believing in his ears. An angel is calling a witch an angel. If their coven would hear it they would die of laughter.

"An angel, don't you think so. I have never seen such an eye. It was shining exactly silver" she said with a mesmerising face.

He just laughed it off, " did you have fun here. See this is the brochure of goods auctioned today. Tell me anything you like except that necklace and that painting." He said giving her the brochure. 'Let's see how much you know about things even after losing your memory.'

"Why not this necklace and painting." She asked with curiosity as these items were not in the top list.

"We can't buy the things we are going to auction." He said shrugging his shoulder and taking a sip.

[Hey guys, I wish you like reading my novel. I have a request here. Please comment or write a review of my novel by giving me a bit of your precious time. And if possible, please vote for me. I have participated in a contest and your votes can make me win. Thank you.]