The truth 2

( this and next chapter may trigger someone's belief or feelings towards religion and god. But please do remember that this is a fiction and it is from the point of view of a demon. The one who detests god. Don't take it seriously. But if you still want to change something, do tell me. I will try my best to adapt that changes. Thank you)

Living with him will only break her further and she doesn't want that. Maybe she would never forget this encounter. But she wants to end things now. So that she could mend her broken heart. As it is hurting her like hell.

She had closed her eyes and let herself get free to form the burden weighing her down so that the feelings colluded her heart may leave her once and for all. That she even put her head over his. That gave her his warmnth for the last time. Then she would leave her and go away, far away from him.

When she heard his voice, she thought her mind is playing tricks but then she felt him jerk and wince. She slowly opened her eyes but was shocked to see the scene. His charming and sexy face was covered with blisters, there were red burn marks and blood was oozing out. She could see his muscles and seared skin. Feeling shocked she tried to touch his face but this time he held her hand.

Not caring of the pain his deathly grip is giving him, she tried to touch him again but this time he held her both hand on her back with a single hand then held his chin with other. Looking straight into her eyes. He asked, "do you think I abandoned you?"

Like his voice has brought her back to senses, her panic lessened a bit, she tried to free her hands "what happened to your face. You need treatment lets go to the hospital this instant. Hurry. Would this car move. Let us take another car. Please, Asbeel leave my hand. We can argue later.

Aww, please Asbeel, you are bleeding and there are scars, oh God! What just happened?" She shouted and shrieked but he didn't care. He neither left her hand nor he averted his eyes like he is directly looking into her soul.

Remembering the morning what happened in the gym, although sounding absurd, she decided to give a try to the last alternate she had. She tried to move forward to kiss her everywhere but the hand on her chin also didn't move restricting her movements.

"What the hell are you doing? You are burning, for god sake. Leave me Asbeel." She half shouted half cried. Putting all her strength in getting herself free when she heard him giving a mocking laugh.

"Hahaha, for the sake of God. Your God is nothing but a tyrant who only cares about the prayer and sacrifices you offer to him. He has nothing to do with the pain you are feeling. With the sufferings, you are facing here. Otherwise, why would he let you, an angel, his own creation damn it, to suffer all the time?

To even let you live with a demon-like him who devours innocence. And yet here you are praying on his name. Giving him the satisfaction of being supreme." His voice turning cold with every word and rigidly strong. Like he is also paining, the name of God flaring him to the bones.

"Tell me angel do you think I abandoned you like him? Answer me now" he yelled and she winced. Nodding her head. She waited for his another sarcasm so that he will get his fill and them she would take him to the hospital.

But his grip further tightened like his fingers were piercing her skin and now touching her bones. Still, she felt more for him than her. His scars are making her feel pathetic. For the first time, she is feeling too useless too helpless to not be able to help him.

"I wish I could do that angel, but I can't. Can't you see in my eyes angel? What you are to me. Tell me how could you blame for abandoning you when I broke all the laws for you. Just to keep you here. To keep you safe. How could you angel?" There was so much pain in his voice that she wasn't sure was the pain due to the wounds or her words.

"But you left me there alone for the whole time." She tried to reason, to tell him that she felt lonesome and everyone was mocking her. Her voice was again in a whisper. Her vulnerability is showing which she always tries to hide in her anger. In those glares she gave him.

"I gave you the chance angel, I gave you the power to fight back. You went there with me. Even if you have burnt the whole place. Nobody would have blamed you." He took a paise looking into those beautiful get deadly eyes to see that his words sink into her mind.

"I wanted you to give a slap to Helena if she mocks you or insult her back. I wanted you to taunt them who gave you a disgusted look to show them how perfect you are." He started leaving her chin and rubbing her cheek gently touching her face as if engraving her every feature in his mind.

"I wanted you to beat the shit out of those men who thought you are weak and they can take you. I want you to be strong Angel, to be powerful under my wings. So that you don't need to rely on me to count on anyone. If I had been with you, you wouldn't have tried." He said taking a deep sigh.

Thank you Lucky27_m, Temmysarah,Ehi_Pretty and aizacon for your precious votes. Hope those who stopped voting vote again.

[Hey guys, I wish you like reading my novel. I have a request here. Please comment or write a review of my novel by giving me a bit of your precious time. And if possible, please vote for me. I have participated in a contest and your votes can make me win. Thank you.]