Author notes:

Many of you would be thinking why Asbeel suddenly went back to hell. Well it has many reasons:

Firstly I want to introduce the characters of hell in advance. How they are, what relation do they have with Asbeel

As the book will move further they will play important role in the story and at that time introducing them will not have a proper place in the flow.

Second, they both need time to understand their feelings. It is said that sometimes distance makes the meeting sweeter.

Thirdly he was breaking the laws by blatantly telling he is a demon. His truth may create a hindrance in his developing relationship.

Lastly I wanted to imagine hell and write about it from a long time.

Out of all my book this is my favorite because it is on my favorite topic "heaven and hell."

So, please do continue your support. It breaks my heart to see falling votes. Please do continue to support me or tell me my mistakes so that I can improve them. After all it has been only two months that I became an author.

Hope to get your support in this journey

Thank you.

Nishi Durani