make a deal

Asbeel was dumbfounded with her question. For a few seconds he just stood there silently. He had not expected this question since she followed him here willingly.

But it looks that's not the case. He failed to understand this little fragile creature before him.

For what felt like an eternity to both of them he finally spoke, "I don't love little angel."

She waited for him to speak more, to explain himself but that was it. With that single word he started closing the buttons of his shirt ready to go out.

Now she was at a loss of words. She had thought that he would argue with her, so she had prepared a list of reasons for how good they are together. Though she knew most of the reasons were useless and not that convincing at least she would have tried.

But this was a different defeat. It was like a soldier had waited for an eternity to fight in the war, yet when the enemy had come into view, and the moment of action arrived, the enemy denied to fight.