the planning

All Angela could hear were ringing bells, sirens and flying stars. Her heart had jumped out of her rib cage. She never knew Just a simple lick and a few words can turn her into a puddle.

She held her breath anticipating his next actions, but that was it.

He opened the car and went out chuckling. That! She knew he was teasing her. He always brought her to the edge and then left her there just to flicker.

She followed him out of the car and sprinted to the room before he could see her weak knees and red face. She heard him chuckling again, but she did not stop. Running into her room, she closed the door and leaned on it to catch her breath.

She was not even sure that her breath was fast due to running or because of the development she had achieved. She had finally tricked him in being her boyfriend. Now she just had to make sure that he would fall for him in this one month.