the argument

Angela walked forward without even looking once if Asbeel was following him. She was furious and she wanted to show it. It was one thing that he was interested in every girl around him. But it was another thing to flirt with the girl who tried to ruin her life.

When he called her ugly all the time, Angela was so happy, she couldn't describe it, but the end result was the same. He still gave her his card.

That also, when they had decided to date for a month. Now she was having second thought about her decision to date him. He would never be loyal to her. Better find someone who would love only her.

All the thought turned her into a mess, as tears formed in her eyes.

She looked at him now and then, thinking he would apologise to her or would explain why he did that.

But he did not speak even a word. He just let her be, alone.

She fumed as she glared at him and went out of the mall without turning back.