
Just when he sat there, Angela's face turned towards him, Asbeel stared intently into her eyes. Soon after, she bent closer to him, and that single move made Asbeel smile within him.

It looked like this little bunny was indeed going to give him the kiss which he had stopped in the private room. If she would do hard work like this, then it would not be that bad to fulfil her small wishes in between. 

Just the way she was taking initiative each time, it looked like she was actually a little bolder than he thought. 

At that moment, Asbeel waited for her kiss to land on his lips. His gaze became intense. He was filled with anticipation. As she inched closer, he finally realized that he hadn't actually kissed her yet.

She was the one who had always pecked him. He had not even once taken the initiative to taste her lips. He wondered how those delicious-looking, innocent lips would taste.