Long lost tale of fallen angels

Though it had been a month for Angela here, it was the first time she had entered the library.

Mostly she spent her day in the music room or balcony, watching stars. When Asbeel was there, the piercing dead gaze of Lucas kept him conscious all the time. And when Asbeel was gone. She busied herself in the job.

So mostly, she was tired enough to sleep soundly. Angela tried to find the light button in the darkroom, as she switched on the lights, she was greeted by the sight of vast book racks. She didn't even know how this large library adjusted in the small room.

The library was no less than the central library, opened by the government. If she did not know better, she would have thought, there was some magic done to adjust so many books. As she walked in, she was once again amazed at the way it is managed.