change in plotline

Though the plot line had been changed, they were still talking photographs relentlessly as it was about Asbeel. Anything about him would be sold as hot cakes. So they were still happy to get the matter to sell their articles tomorrow.

Finally what felt like an eternity to the bystanders. Asbeel let Angela go.

"Did you just get flustered so much, that you are looking like a frightened bunny." asked Asbeel as he looked at Angela.

Angela just looked down, she didn't speak a word which was highly against her personality. For a minute Asbeel's anger roared again but this time it was not towards her but others.

Angela was not flustered but embarrassed, she was feeling upset to make him worried all the time. She would not believe that she had once again created the mess for him to clean up.

Asbeel looked at the reporters and they all flinched at their places. 

"What were you trying to do?" he asked them but no one replied.