cooking together

"Alright, you can come in now," she announced coming out of the kitchen. She had arranged everything perfectly. 

Like 5 star Michelin chefs, she had arranged everything in small bowls on the kitchen island. But the man did not budge. He continued sitting there like a frozen statue.

Angela furrowed her brows, did he not listen to her. But she spoke loudly enough. She moved further close and then shook his shoulder, 

"Asbeel are you listening," she looked at him with furrowed brows, 

The man finally looked at her with lazy expressions, as if he was already bored with the discussion, which had yet not started.

But still, she asked patiently, "Asbeel why are you not replying." her voice was so soft and caring, for a second Asbeel decided to give up.

"I am listening," he replied shrugging his shoulders and then leaned on the sofa again lazily.

"Huh, then why are you not replying," she asked again, keeping her patience.