going out with meg

Asbeel, who was always trying to make her independent so that she would not feel lost once he left her, felt annoyed listening to her reply. He was sure, he wanted her to leave him in a while. They had  no future. She was an angel, the one who belonged to the sky, and he was a demon, the one who did not even deserve the earth.

But whenever she talked about leaving in the future, he felt a burning anger surging in his heart. As if he would burn the whole heaven, if that happened. He better stop time and let them stay here forever. 

No, what was he thinking! He closed his eyes to let that thought paas from his mind.

"Good that you know." he replied and she smiled, but that smile didn't have the shine she always has.

He felt a tug in his heart, but he let that feeling go. Feelings were not for him anyway.

"So, can I come with you to the club," she asked again, completely ignoring the fact that he had evaded the topic.