my fiance

Asbeel, who was standing outside of the orphan in invisible form, saw Angela entering in. Once he was sure she had already passed the front door, did he make himself visible again?

Meg was surprised to see him standing there. She smiled as she walked toward him

"So, you are that free now what you are following her by being in your invisible form. I wonder why was she so special than others who you didn't even give a second glance after spending nights with them." her words were mocking and her eyes were filled with disgust.

"I am not here for her but you," said Asbeel and her expression changed from mocking too surprised then a bright smile crept up to her lips.

"Why? Did you finally change your decision to stay loyal to her, hmm" she asked, trying to put her arms in her neck but then jerked her and squinted his eyes.

"What, didn't you say that you are here for me?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows again.