play double dutch

"How much educated are you?" asked another child and this was already the tenth question they had asked, yet not even once they were satisfied with the answer, they would just nod or say that's it! 

They were just getting him passing marks in each section, he could feel it in their eyes.

He should be angry till now, right? He was not a patient man, to begin with. Yet here he was still giving them answers earnestly as if the interview was a master of "do or die" for him.

"I am proficient in 115 languages and I know every subject progress but history is what I am best at," he replied proudly, completely expecting a good dreamy look or a round of applause, but he got nothing.

"At least you are good at one thing." was all that they said, and he wondered what would be better in their eyes if this was only up to a level of good for them. Were they looking for prince charming or god, he doubted even god would not be able to fulfil their standards.