source of energy

Angela's eyes were twinkling. She had never thought that Asbeel would come to the orphanage even when she would request him to do so. And here he was, with his own choice and if she would not have interrupted him, he would be skipping rope with a little girl. She could laugh out loud just by thinking about the vivid image, her mind was creating.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked her and she shook his head.

"I can see you are enjoying it a lot." he said and she could see that she was on the thin red line now. So she shook her head.

"I was just happy to see you here." she spoke, before he could make his own deductions.

"Is that so" he asked, raising a brow, completely sure that she was laughing because of the condition she had seen him in.

"Yes, I always wanted to bring you here." she replied with a bright smile, and he let the previous matter go.

"Why is that so?" he asked, as he started walking with her.