an angel

"And how would you do that?" she asked curiously, she had never heard a person showing that he was fine now, except behaving normally and doing everyday tasks comfortably.

But she somehow felt that Asbeel would have a different way, a different idea since he always did things differently, not even his single thing matched with the world, as if he did not belong here at all.

He smirked and came close to her, "most of the man can show stamina in a single way, and I am sure a sick man won't have the stamina to satisfy a strong girl like you, so why don't we go in the room and I can show you how much strength and stamina did I still have, what say little angel?" he asked her so normally as if he was asking her if the weather had become a little hot, right. Her whole face turned beet red and she did not know how to reply to him who was still looking at her as if waiting for her to nod her head.