the secrets

Angela blinked her eyes and looked out of the window. She was sure her face had an idiotic goofy smile and she must be looking a fool. But she could not help it, the way Asbeel said the last paragraph, fluttered her heart.

 She could feel small butterflies dancing in her stomach, it felt like she took a ride on the clouds and ran in the sky. She was feeling that warm and fluffy. Asbeel always knew how to make her day. She nodded and started looking at the scenery. Green trees covering the whole area and fresh air mined with the melodic sound of birds chirping gave her head some peace again.

Asbeel looked at the girl, who was laughing like silly, he knew it was the impact of his words but he didn't understand what he had said to make her that happy. Her face had that rosy blush and that dimple filled smile that could win over any heart, she desired.