dying body

"You are the one who had made me" these words sounded absurd to Asbeel, he was not god, not his creation, not his part, he had nothing to do with angels and their clan. Angela was the first and last angel he had come in contact with, then how could he make a guardian angel, for making a guardian angel, one need to give him or her a part of angelic powers, that would increase his or her lifespan and strength.

A throbbing pain started hitting his nerves, his body was feeling relentless. As if he was being burnt, his brain to be precise, but he controlled as he had recently faced the same pain, he was much more prepared this time.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, paying all his concentration on his brain, he stopped the leaking of water from the river from his brain, and in a few minutes, he started feeling better. He opened his eyes, and this time his eyes were much more ruthless than before.