do not speak again

A lifetime had passed, yet I still waited for you here, in this world where you had left me alone.

How much time had passed when Asbeel finally let Angela go, she was covered with sweat and her face was completely red. She started taking deep breaths to cover the lack of air in her body.

"You are still weak, you need to do more exercise." he added looking at her and she glared back.

"I am not weak ok, the kiss was too intense. And I hate exercises" added Angela, finally standing properly.

"Why, you are a weak girl you need to improve your stamina for me." he added and she furrowed her brows.

"You mean i have to improve my stamina for myself?" she asked but he shook his head.

"No, for me, once we started I wanted you to be able to handle me, otherwise, how would you be able to perform?" he asked and she tried to repeat his words in her mind.