
Putting one finger inside her in a one sleek movement he started rubbing  his thumb in gentle circles over her clit and dipped another finger inside of her. she realized, with some embarrassment, that she was already soaking wet. Apparently this whole Executioner scenario turned her on! She had a brief moment of worry that there might be a damp patch on the back of the bed. But she discarded the thought as unimportant, once he began working several fingers inside her.

she squirmed and began thrusting her hips up to meet his fingers, wishing that she could get rid of this torment soon. she moaned and pulled her hands up to cup her breasts. swayed back and forth with her movements. she felt a deep, clenching feeling beginning in the pit of her stomach, and began moving even more urgently.

When he knew that she was on the verge of an orgasm, he increased her pace and she exploded in his arms.
