the old story

How could he know what she needs unless she told him to do so?

"Asbeel, a word you read for me?" she asked finally, and Asbeel felt at ease. But when he realized what she was asking his lips turned into a thin line.

Angela felt the change  and she pouted, "please, Asbeel even one page would do." she added blinking her starry eyes and her face was looking like an abandoned puppy, he signed and nodded.

"Alright, but just one page,, and then you would sleep." he added in a strict time like a teacher threatening his students to complete the work on time. 

And like an obedient student Angela nodded.

"Which book did you want me to read?" he asked, getting satisfied with her answer.

Angela smiled brightly as she took out the book from her bedside drawer. It was the same book she had taken from his library a while ago, "the love story of angels and humans."