to be human again

Angela looked at Meg and smiled, "you are saying all that because you think he had got the chance which you could not. You have to give me a chance, you have bottled up yourself and yet you feel that others are taking you wrong, come." said Angela, forwarding her hand towards Meg, she looked at Meg, with encouraging eyes, to come and take hold of her hands.

"Everyone needs a little bit of love, and care," she added once Meg did not move, Meg looked at Angela and then at her forwarded hands towards her.

"You are an idiot who thinks you can take a beast with this love and care."  she snarled and in the next second she walked to the door and left the house without even looking back.. Angela continued to look at the door, even when Meg had long gone. She knew that Meg felt alone, she felt left, yet when she forwarded a hand, Meg did not take it, she was feeling disappointed when Asbeel hugged her from behind, putting his chin on her shoulder blade, he sighed.