another punishment

"Since you were the one who wanted to have puppies you will be the one who would take care of them or we can make a kennel for them in the corner where they would live." said Asbeel suddenly breaking the eye contact they were sharing.

Angela nodded, she was already expecting this, since she liked to spend time with the puppies taking care of them was fun rather than a task she needed to do.

"Then come let's have dinner, your punishment and learning is still awaiting for you." he replied with a smirk and she blinked, she had thought that he had forgotten about the punishment, but it did not look like the case now.

"Asbeel, i had done nothing to get the punishment" she reasoned and the man raised a brow.

"You had, and I am the one here who would decide whether you had made a mistake or not," he added, hooding her chin and looking straight into her eyes.

She could only gulp and nod at him.