annual day

Angela waited the whole day for Asbeel to come as she ventured into the house. She still felt reluctant to call this palace a house, it was so great that she was sure she could even get lost into it. 

She had always thought that the penthouse where they live was already great but now she felt like she was living in the palace of the biggest emperor of the 16th century.

She was roaming in the garden looking at the myriad of plants and flowers. In the penthouse there was everything except the garden. She missed to sit in the grass and plant trees sometime as she used to do in the orphanage, now she could do so, so she was happy.

But she still did not understand what had happened there and where was Asbeel. She could not help but think about the article she had read a few days ago, in which it was written how business rivalry could be the reason for people killing each other, and how they tried to annihilate the whole family.