amusement park

She walked back towards the kids, after paying for the ice cream "Did you like the ice cream?"

She asked even when she could see their dreamy eyes and blissful smile.

"Yep, they're super delicious! Thank you, Angela," their  smile was so bright and Angela couldn't help but squeeze the super cute kids around her.

"I'm glad. Was there anywhere else you wanna go or something else you want to do?" she asked as she looked at the time, it was just 2 hour. She still had taken permission the whole day. And she knew it was not easy for them to come out, so it would be a waste if they would return just after having an ice cream.

The kids looked at each other and nudged her elbows. Angela knew there was something that they wanted but hesitated.

"Come on, stay, or else I will order Lucas to drive us back to the orphanage." she threatened them thoroughly it was just an act the kids took it seriously and panicked.