the machine

Angela looked at Asbeel who was once again looking lost. But this time there was not a lonesome look on his face but a smile, a dreamy look as if he was thinking about something very pleasant.

She smiled at how far they have come. By meeting like a stranger in the club to moving here hand in hand. The man she was once afraid of had become an inseparable part of her life. Her hands moved and covered his hands that were gracefully put on both sides of the dish. 

He came out of his thoughts and then looked at her as a mischievous smile formed on his lips.

"What happened angel. Do you not want to enjoy the amusement park at all. Or are you craving more for me than the fun you can have here?" he asked tilting his head and she blinked.

"Umm, when did I say that?" she panicked. Was her expression and her feelings written so clearly on her face that he could read it just like that!?