
"Why, why could you not marry me, am I not up to your standard? Not rich enough? Or was it always a play thing for you?" he asked as he tried to hold her hand but Meg had enough. She was already worried about many things and she didn't have time and patience to deal with the tantrums of another kid who wanted to get pacified.

"Are you a kid Nickolas crying like one, you have a girlfriend now with whom you are going to get married. Then why are you dwelling into the past which you have left a long time ago. Go home and spend time with your wife." she snarled, last night she wanted a release so she let things happen but it never meant that she would accept to be with him, not that she could be with any human and live a normal life.

Nick was the only sick who thought that they could marry humans and live with them, they were demons and no matter how much they look like humans or behave like one they would never be one of them.