Sweet assaults

[mature content, the chapter is for 18 or above]

  What felt like an eternity to Angela but a fleeting second to Asbeel, he let her lips go as her breathing became hard.

"You have to learn to take breaths while kissing little angel. '' he added softly as he ran his thumb on her swollen lips gently caressing them.

His touch was creating electricity passing through her nerves. That tingling feeling was increasing every second. 

"Asbeel, we need to take a bath now." she replied as his assault was colluding with her senses. She knew if she would not stop she would soon succumb to his touches.

"You are right, little angel. You need to bath" he said, nodding his head.

Then he moved and turned off the shower and reached out for the soap.

"Let me bathe you, my angel," he uttered as he gazed at her. Angela shook her head as she still remembered how lost she was when he had bathed her last time, but Asbeel put a finger on her lips.