
A chuckle escaped her lips as finally Nick moved his lips away.

"We have just spent the whole day having each other in our arms. If you want to propose to me , at least take me out for a date." said Meg, surprising him.

Nick always thought that Meg was no nonsense girl, she didn't like chummy things and things young girls like to do. So asking her on a date never crossed his mind. But looking at the seriousness of face, he knew that she actually wanted to go.

"Since when have you started liking going on dates like a kid?" he asked amused, his hands still on her waist even when she was sitting now. He had made sure that she would stay closer to him.

"Well, I was just thinking of trying a few things humans do. Since I am going to date you, why can't I go on a date?" her words were still authoritative and her voice was still bold yet he could see the anticipation and hesitation in her eyes.