SMO Chapter 9.1 : Abundant

After a few hours of playing and switching between Video Games and Board Games, Suuco looks at the clock on the wall.

"Is it that time already? I need to go get some groceries, since we seem to be running low. Anybody wanna come with?" Suuco leaves the couch and heads towards the door.

"I can't leave without the risk of being found out, so I'll stay." Shi says.

"I also want to stay with Shina, so I'll stay as well." Suzu gives Shina a small pat on the head.

"Mina? Wanna come with, or stay with them?" Suuco takes one more step towards the door.

Thinking for a few seconds, Mina stands up, and heads towards the door.

"I guess we'll be leaving then. Shi, don't eat Suzu. Suzu, don't annoy Shina."

Before they could respond, Suuco and Mina swiftly head through the door.

"Well then, I guess we'll head towards my favorite market. Let's go."

Mina nods, and follows behind.

. . .

It didn't take too long to reach the Market, but there was a problem.

There was an abundance of people who were lined up at the counters, and even stretching out of the Market's door.

'What's going on? This place usually has a few people who shop here. What's happening inside?'

As they got closer, Suuco noticed that there was an employee who was trying to keep the line in check.

The Employee looks at Suuco, and begins to tear up.

"SUUCO! PLEASE HELP ME!" She began crying out while still trying to keep the Line in check.

"I do need a job, so I'll check in with your boss first! I'll be right back, so stay put!" Suuco yells through the noise that the croud was making.


The girl yelling at the top of her lungs is Luanne. She's pretty good at her job, but terrible when it comes to more than 2 people. She is also friends with every employee at the Market, as well as Suuco and the Market's Manager. Everybody but the Manager calls her Luna.

Running with Mina to the back door, they enter to see the room nearly empty, except for one person.

She seemed to be worried, since she was going through many different forms and papers.

Her name is Loura. She's the Manager of the Market, as well as one of Suuco's acquaintances. She's personal friends with Luanne, so she calls her Lulu.

"Excuse me."

She jumped, and almost fell out of her chair at Suuco suddenly speaking.

"Who are you? Why are you... wait, Suuco? Why are you here?"

"I came to buy some groceries, only to have... whatever this is, happen. I also came to see if I can work here, which would help me and everybody else who works here."

After taking it in, the Manager get's up and opens a locker.

"And what about the girl? Is she gonna work too?"

Suuco looks at Mina, who was thinking of what to do. After a few seconds, she nods in agreement.

"Then we'll fill out the paperwork later. Put on these uniforms, and help the other employees. I need to work on these calculations, or else we'll all be in trouble. Are either of you good with math?"

Mina raises her hand.

"Then you stay with me. Suuco, you help Lulu up front with the line."

"Yes boss. Mina, do your best. I'll get you a snack after this." Suuco then hurried out the door, waving bye to Mina.

. . .

Back at the front of the Market, Suuco runs up to the employee who was keeping the line in check... or at least was trying to.

"Luna, I'm here now! I got the job for now, so I'll be helping you out with the line!" The crowd was still as lively as before.

"Suuco! Help me with this line please! I'm at my limit! I need a break!" She swaps out with Suuco and sits on a nearby box.

"Okay everybody, can I have your attention please!?" Nobody responded.

"Excuse me! Can I have your attention please!" Again, nobody responded.

Annoyed, there was only one other option.

"IF YOU ALL DON'T SHUT YOUR MOUTHS AND GET IN A LINE, I'LL MAKE SURE THAT NONE OF YOU GET IN, AND YOU WOULD HAVE WASTED YOUR TIME FOR NOTHING!!" Some people heard him, and immediately stopped talking, then attempted to get into a single file line.

After a few minutes, the chattering began to cease, and there was now a single line.

"Thank you. Now, please remain calm, and I won't have to resort to kicking anybody to the back of the line. Are we clear?" Some of the people in the crowd nodded in agreement, while others began whispering.

"Wow, I can't even imagine pulling that off by myself. Good work Suuco!" Luna was still sitting on the box with a drink in one hand and a Burger in the other.

"I would ask where you got that, but I'm not even surprised. For now, mind telling me why it's so lively? Is there some sort of sale going on?" Suuco sits next to her, still watching the line.

"Well, I don't know all of the details, but some random man walked in one day with a suitcase, then asked to see the Manager. After that, well, I don't really know. We got a large truck come in the next day, and we put the products on the shelves. I didn't help with that, so I don't know what we are selling."

Looking around, Suuco spots a sheet of paper on the floor.

'Is this... a flier? And for this Market nonetheless.'

Picking up the flier, he read through it, and was stunned.

- - - - -

[Come to Marin Market]

For a limited time, purchase a "Full Dive Virtual Reality Headset" for 80% Off!

With every purchase, an option between 3 Different Games will be added as a Bonus!

Get "Temple Dungeon", "War Bringer", or the famous "Sors Mea Online"!

Come purchase an FDVR Headset today!

- - - - -

'Isn't this too good? If this flier is true, then that would explain a lot.'

Looking through a nearby window, he could see that there were shelves full of boxes, which all contained FDVR Headsets. There were only a few shelves left, since they were being bought at an alarming rate.

'Damn. If only I didn't have work right now, and if there wasn't a line. I could have bought a few for Mina, Suzu and Shi. I guess I'll have to wait until later, that is, if their not sold out. I doubt there would be any left, but we'll see.'

After checking the flier again, there was a small label at the bottom.

{Sponsored by Ralden Bellpoint}

'Wait, Bellpoint? Are they related to Shina in any way? I guess I'll have to ask her when I get back.'

. . .

Around 2 Hours went by, keeping the line in check and switching with Luna. The line was almost gone, and the FDVR Headsets were almost sold out.

"There seem to be only a few more left. I count Three, but I can't tell from the window." Luna has her face to the glass.

"Well, they were on a pretty high discount. I'm surprised that they weren't sold out instantly. It only took a few hours, but there are still a few on tge shelves. I wonder why that is?"

Suuco messaged Suzu about him and Mina working at the Market, so he ordered a pizza and told her to wait for it to arrive.

Looking at the Front Counter, it seemed that people were buying the Games Seperate from the Headsets.

'I guess they could already have a Headset. That, or it's a gift to someone else.'

A few more minutes go by, and the Market is empty.

"Finally. That was the most stressful day at work that I have ever had! I never wanna do that again! Who put me on line duty anyways?!" Luna was slumped on a chair near the air conditioner in the break room.

"Hey Suuco, Luna, catch."

2 Cans are thrown towards them. Suuco catches it with ease, but Luna missed, and had it hit her leg.

"Owie! Why did you throw it at me!? That was not cool Buck!"

The one who threw the cans is Bruce. He's nicknamed Buck by Luna, and has a pretty muscular build.

"That was pretty uncool Bruce. Then again, Luna doesn't have any reflexes, so it's partially her fault."

The other employee is Callan. He's Bruce's younger brother, and has more Brains then Brawn. Together, they make a pretty deadly combo in the work force.

"Hey! At least say something nice about me!" Luna, at this point, has gone completely red, in both Anger and Embarrassment.

Before they could continue, Mina and Loura walk in.

"Oh? Is she a new employee? Hi! My name is Luanne! But everybody calls me Luna!"

Her cheerfulness made Mina stiffen.

"Mina, come sit next to me." Suuco beckons towards her.

Mina snaps out of her trance, then slowly heads over to Suuco, sitting on the opposite side of him, furthest away from the others.

"Anyways, before you can all greet yourselves, I have a surprise for everybody here. We have a gift from our Sponsor, the Bellpoint's, and I was told to hand them out to the employees."

Everyone made a confused face, but before anybody can ask, she begins to speak again.

"The gift is in the Storage Room out back, so if you will all follow me. You two can come as well, since you helped with todays situation." She points at Suuco and Mina, then walks out of the room.

Everyone follows behind, and they make their way to the Storage Room, which had many different sized boxes and containers. There were, however, a few boxes that caught everybody's attention.

"Here, we have Ten Leftover FDVR Headsets. Counting the Six of us, there are Four more left. Each of you take one, and choose any game you like as well. Afterwards, we will decide how to distribute the rest."

. . .