SMO Chapter 9.2 : Abundant

"We get to keep one? And it's free?" Luna looks shocked, along with everybody else.

"This was a strict order from the sponsor. He told us to take one, so he left a few in this room. He didn't bother to check how many employees there were, so we were given Ten Boxes to hand out. So just stay quiet and take one." Loura takes a box.

Everybody takes a box in silence, and pick up a game from a nearby box.

'I already have one, so I'll hand this to Suzu. Now, what about Shi?' Suuco takes an SMO Game from the box.

"Okay, now that everybody has a box, how do we distribute the rest?" Loura looks around, then locks her gaze at Suuco, who had his hand up.

"Suuco, any ideas? Or do you have a question?"

"Actually, I have a Sister at home who also likes to play games. I was wondering if it was fine to take an extra Headset for her."

"A Sister, huh? If everybody else is fine with it, then I'll allow it." She looks at everybody else.

The others didn't seem to mind it, since there would still be 3 Boxes left.

"Well, there you have it. Take an extra Box and a Game if you like."

Suuco grabs another Box, as well as another copy of SMO.

"Now, the rest of these. What should we do with them?"

After a few ideas went around, they landed on the idea of a Lottery Game.

The Game would have 3 Prizes.

3rd Prize : 25% Discount Coupon

2nd Prize : 1 Week 15% Off All Purchases

1st Prize : FDVR Headset + Game of Choice

To enter the Lottery, you simply had to purchase anything from the Market, as long as the Total Price was $10.00 or more.

"Good. We could have been a little better with the Prizes, but it'll work for now."

With that done, everybody clocked out for the day... except Suuco and Mina, who were called to Loura's Office.

"Now, before you two leave, I still need to officially hire you, or else I would be in trouble for not having you as 'Volunteers' rather than 'Employee's'. So I need you to make a resume right here and now. I don't need to know too much, so the minimum should do." Loura takes 2 Pages from a drawer in her desk, and hands them to Suuco and Mina.

After a few minutes of filling out the page, they hand them to Loura, who nods in acceptance.

"You two may leave. We aren't open on Sundays, unless there is an event, so don't come in on those days."

Before they left, Suuco almost forgot the reason why he came to the Market.

"Wait, can I quickly get some groceries? Even though it's closed, I originally came here to buy from here."

"Sure. I'll be at the register when you're done. Just don't last for any longer than an hour." Loura opens the door leading into the Market.

. . .

Walking home was a little troubling, but manageable.

Suuco held 2 Bags of Groceries, and the 3 FDVR Boxes. Mina carried the rest of the 5 Bags.

At the door, Suuco barely manages to ring the Doorbell without dropping the Boxes.

Suzu opens the door.

"Mina! And, is that Suuco? Why are you holding large boxes?" Suzu looked around the boxes to make sure that it was Suuco

"We'll tell you later. For now, let's get inside. We have some foods and snacks that need to be in the freezer." Suuco walks in, almost tripping over himself.

. . .

After putting the food in their respective spots, Suuco makes food for everyone, while giving himself and Mina a larger portion.

While they ate, Suuco explained about their new Jobs, and the events that occurred that day.

"Wait, you don't mean..." Shina was confused.

"Well, I got the other one for Suzu. And the first one, well, I'm giving it to you, Shi." Suuco said so while giving Mina another plate.

"But, what about you? It isn't fair if you don't get one!" Suzu says.

"Well, actually... I already have one. You don't know this, but I found one in a back alley. It was just sitting there, entirely intact."

"Wait, so THAT was what was in that big box the other day? Why didn't you tell me!"

"I really don't know why I kept it secret. It just felt like the right thing to do, coming from an alley and all that."

Finishing their meals at the same time, Suzu and Shi both stand and put their plates by the sink.

Walking over to their Box, they notice the game that sat on top.

"'Sors Mea Online'? I always saw this game on the internet. Is it really that good of a game?" Suzu opens the box.

"Now that I think about it, what game did you get Mina?" Suuco takes his and Mina's plate.

"... Same." Mina holds up the game, revealing SMO.

"I have played the game before... but I'm thinking of starting with a clean slate." Shi proceeds to open her box.

"How about we play together. It might be a while until we can meet, but we'll meet eventually. I'll also introduce you to some friends of mine." Suuco begins to clean the dishes.

"Friends? How long have you been playing for?" Shi inspects the Headset.

"Well, I'm currently Level 8, and I have been playing for about 12 Hours in Real Time. I'm currently in a Town called Mardeal, so I won't meet you until I get back."

"Mardeal? I think I remember that place. How is it?" Shi begins adjusting the Headset to fit their heads.

"Well... I don't really know myself. I only saw the town for less than a day."

"But, you're at the town right? How come you didn't look around?"

"... The entire town was wiped out. One moment, it's peaceful, and the next... panic."

"Wiped out? What... what could wipe out a Large Town like that? Was it a Dragon?"

"No. It was a Unique Rank Monster."

"Unique? You don't mean..."

"Yes. A No-Name appeared in the outskirts of town, so everybody evacuated underground."

Shi had a filled with discomfort at the thought of Mardeal being wiped out.

"Why is it so tense? What's a No-Name?" Suzu looked at Shi, then Suuco.

"Well, long story short, the Strongest Creature in SMO. If you see one, then you need to run as fast as you can away from it."

Suzu couldn't picture it, so she just sat there with a confused face.

"Anyways, I still need to study up on some parts of the Game. Are you guys gonna do the same? Or are you just gonna jump into it with no idea what your doing... like I did."

"I think I'll do some research as well. I don't want to do something wrong without knowing what I'm doing first." Suzu puts the Headset back into the box and heads over to the couch, taking her phone and going on the web.

"What about you two?"

"I'll do the same, since I only know the bare minimum. Problem is, I can't use my phone, since I would be tracked by my Guards." Shi takes her phone, revealing it to be completely off.

"I have a computer in my room that you can use. And Mina can use Suzu's Computer, since she seems occupied with her phone instead."

Shi and Mina both nod in agreement.

"Suzu, we'll be upstairs. Call me if you need anything."


Suuco, Shina, and Mina all head upstairs.

They go into Suzu's room first, putting Mina on Suzu's Computer.

Afterwards, Shi goes into Suuco's room.

"This place feels... nice? It's strange how I have never been into another guys room. Is it supposed to feel this calm in here?" Shi sits on the edge of the bed.

"I guess it does feel nice in here. It might just be because everything is not too weird or unnatural. I actually don't have too much in here, other that the Computer by the Window and my Bookshelf of books that I like to read."

Suzu looks at the books on the bookshelf.

"I can see some Manga in there, but it's not all the same type of book. I can see some names that I recognize."

"Do you read books often?"

"It get's pretty boring where I live. I can do almost anything I want at home, but I get bored when I have too much freedom. Without even a single rule, it's like bungee jumping without anything tied to you. You'll just hit the ground, and then there's nothing."

Suuco could feel the boredom in Shi's words. Before he continued, he boots up his computer.

"Well, you're here now. Even if your Parents and Guards might be freaking out right now, that's a problem only you can solve."

"... Yeah, you're right. But, I probably won't leave for a while, so you better get comfy, because you'll see me a lot."

"Well, yeah. You're in my House. I don't see how I wouldn't be able to see you... unless you lock yourself in a room that I don't usually go into."

Suuco gets up from his Computer.

"Anyways, you're all set. You can use the browser to look up whatever you need. I'll be on my bed with my Phone instead, so just tell me if you need anything."

"Will do. I'll try to see what I can learn."

. . .