
The Night’s Still Young


I stepped into that ring with my heart pounding in my ear. I tried to block out everyone and focused on my breathing.

I thought back to the time my uncle started teaching me to box. My hands fisted as he took his hands up in defense, fisting them tightly.


"Alright kiddo. Now, remember, never look down. Look at his movements, every flinch, every muscle he moves. He ain't gonna attack you with his face, so there's no need lookin' at his face. Got it?" He says as he strides his body from one foot to the other.

I nod, but my nerves were a wreck. My nose still lingered with dry blood, my lip busted, and a black eye from the beating I had just gotten earlier that day from some seniors in my high school. It was not a good way for me to start high school at all. I hate it already. I didn't understand why this was happening. All I wanted was to get by undetected and get to my next class. I never meant t0 bump into that guy, but he didn't care.

His reputation as the captain of the football team was far too important. If it wasn't for my best friend Asher, who picked me up and took me to the nurse's office and testified on my behalf, I would probably still be laying there. Hell, they even picked on Logan and Steven, because they tried out for the varsity team, saying freshmen have no say in this school.

Logan and Asher helped me out a lot today by bringing me home. I was scared to walk alone, to say the least. But I think I was more scared to find what my uncle's reaction would be when he saw my face all busted.

So now I'm here, standing in a ring with huge gloves on, and training to box with my uncle. He says that as soon as I learn the basics, he and another of his buddies are going to teach me different techniques, but at home since street fighting isn't allowed in here.

"What if they still pick on me, uncle Fred? I'm too scared. They're all bigger than me." I say, pacing towards the left like he told me with my hands up in defense, my hands tight, knees slightly bent and nerves wild.

"Son, it's up to you if you want to keep hiding and running from them fools. But you can't always hide. They'll find you eventually. Life is not always fair son, but you have the power to do something about it. Take charge of your life, take the chance to stand up for yourself, for your buddies, for your future. Don't let them keep stepping' on yah, take the damn bull by the horns, look him in the eye and say enough is enough. You are stronger than you think son. Your mom and daddy would be proud to see the man you turning' out to be, make them prouder by becoming the best version of yourself. Starting here, you gotta learn to stand up for yourself and not get bullied around. Got it?"

I wanted to cry, to say the least. But he was right. I'm tired of hiding, tired of running. And I am dead tired to see them pick on me and my two best friends, Brandon and Asher. To make matters worse, those assholes not only pick on us, but they have sided, allowing my old school's bullies to continue picking on us.

Uncle Fred is right, I have to do this. For me, for Ash, and Brandon. We may be the biggest geeks in all Lakeview academy, but we won't stand to continue being picked on.


That was the day my training started. I watched videos, trained with uncle Fred and his buddy. They weren't easy on me either. They kicked my ass harder than my damn bullies. But I loved it.

I loved the feel of adrenaline each time they made me fight. I went through broken ribs, dislocated shoulders, bruises where even I couldn't see, and more. My body was pushed to its limit time and time again, but I didn't quit.

When they thought I was ready, they made me go up on that old ring and face off with one of the big ones, Big Tim, he was a menace. Savagely beat on guys, with no mercy. Needless to say... I lost badly to him, almost took me two weeks to open my eyes.

Uncle Fred was glad it had happened during winter break for me to recover properly and not get him into any trouble with school or authorities. But in the end, Big Tim came to me, congratulating me on lasting three and a half rounds. No one had ever gone past the second round with him.

I have all of my skills to thank him and uncle Fred. It made me want to be the best at what I do, and don't think of the bruises or cuts left on my face. Instead, indulging in the outcome, being able to provide for myself, and being able to protect my two best friends, Asher and Brandon.

Though Asher is now attending college in Cambridge with his girlfriend, but I know he's well taken care of. Brandon on the other hand, though he likes working out and dresses better, doesn't know how to fight for shit. It's up to me to make sure he's ok. I'd do anything for the people I care about... anything.

The trip gong rings, and the ref comes near me, right after my opponent enters as well, while the ref announces him. The crowd goes wild as we both get announced, cameras flashing, people recording, and music playing far too loud.

I look towards my left and see Brandon chewing on his fingernails as he sits next to the old man, Joseph, who's in charge of cleaning up all the mess after all the matches are over.

Luckily, this is the last match, and if I win, I'll be going home with five grand. It's enough for me to invite Brandon and Sam to a nice dinner and pay for the next couple of months' rent on my dorm.

"You're going down boy. You got no chance with me. I'm gonna knock that stupid face of yours right to the ground and walk out of here with a smile on my face before you even get a chance to take your first move. You here me?" My opponent tries to intimidate me, but I've heard it all.

All the name callings and bad-mouthing, the arrogance in their demeanor. Actions speak better than words, and this guy will get what he's asking for.

"Now, I want a clean match from both of you, anything below the waist is illegal. No holding hands, no hugging, and no dirty moves, got it?" The ref warns us. I nod, clenching my jaw and moving my head around to ease my aching neck. I'll definitely need a cold bath after this to stiffen my muscles and stop the aches in my body.

The gong beats, and the ref holds his hand out in the middle waiting for us to be ready. He gives the queue and my hands immediately go up in defense, steady pace, studying his every move. He swings his right, but I catch it in time, moving towards my left and avoiding contact.

He swings again, and again, trying to kick me, but I swiftly move out of the way time and time again. He does nothing but blurts out profanities and grunts because he hasn't landed a single blow or kick to me.

"Fight, damn it." he blurts out since I've avoided hitting him, rather have studied him for the past few seconds. "You call yourself a fighter?" he chuckles, throwing another punch, but my damn foot gets stuck on the mat, and I'm unable to move out of the way. He lands a good one on me to my right eye, then another one to my left making me stumble.

He chuckles and kicks me on my left side, making me grunt. I grab his leg, wrap my left hand over it, and taking my chance by hitting him in the stomach. He uses his elbow, hitting me on my shoulder and making me release him.

Time and time again, we collide, hitting and kicking each other. I have never had a good opponent like him. True, he was a cocky bastard, but he was good. My body becomes tired by the sixth ring, and my left eye is starting to swell, making it hard to see. Brandon has probably eaten up to the middle of his fingers from how nervous he is.

"Come on, buddy. You got this. You can do it. Don't give up." he says as I inhale deeply. My ribs hurt, and my lungs feel like they're on fire. Every inch in my body is sore, but hell, I've had it worse.

I look out towards the crowd, and a man in a fancy black suit stands, grabbing his cellphone out of his inside coat pocket. I'm sure of it, he's the scout. He's ready to leave, and if I don't win this match, I won't just lose the five grand, but the opportunity to become a sponsored fighter.

It's as if my opponent read my mind. He looks the same way and chuckles mockingly, "You'll never be good enough for Knight enterprise boy. They only sponsor the best of the best... And you? You're not worth their time." my blood boils.

I lower my gaze a bit, take a deep breath and clench my jaws. It's now, or never. He swings one last time, but I avoid his punch, bringing my kneecap to his ribs and stricking him with force. My left hand hits him, colliding my elbow with his upper shoulder blade, and giving him an uppercut, sending him flying to the ground.

He grunts in pain, trying to get up but he holds his ribs, rolling to his side and bending his knees.

His forehead is pinned to the floor while he tries to get up, but falls. He tries again, standing up with his back towards me. I can tell he's got a double vision from the impact of my fist on his chin, but he tries to launch at me again, failing miserably. I turn, landing a tornado kick right to his cheeck and sending him to the floor again, but this time... He doesn't get up.

He lays unconsciously on the floor. The crowd erupts in cheer, while I stare at him dumbfounded. Brandon runs up on stage, throwing himself on me, hugging me tightly. The ref holds my hand up in victory, but the opponent's team runs to aid him, followed by the medic crew.



"So, what do you want to do? It's still pretty early, and the night's still young you know?" Brandon suggests as we walk out of the building.

My body feels like a train wreck, but after the match, I not only won the five grand cash, but I talked to the guy from Knight Enterprise. Needless to say, I had no idea they were even sponsors of this sport. But I was so ecstatic to talk to him. He offered to sponsor me, and of course, I took it.

The match was such a success, that my boss Valentino gave me an extra grand for the night. So, even though I'm tired and hurting, I want to go out and celebrate.

"Don't know, what do you say we first go put on fresh clothes and invite Sam and Kim out for dinner?" he smiles giving me a nod and a push on my side. "Aww, Sam, of course. Wouldn't want to go out and celebrate without the girlfriend, right?" he says making me choke on my saliva.

Shit, that's right. Kim and Brandon still think that Sam and I are dating. We need to think of a plan to tell them. But, do I really want to? Dating Sam is starting to sound like a good idea. Though, I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit to someone else again... But the more I talk with Sam, the more I'm starting to be smitten by her.

I smirk and look away. My eyes go wide as I see a silhouette from afar. My heart rate increases as I see a blonde-haired girl walking my way. I can recognize that girl anywhere. Roxanne Bennett, the girl that broke my heart. "Let's get out of here, quick," I say as I snatch his keys, open the door and get inside. He looks out, confused by my action but soon strides quickly to the passenger's seat, tossing my duffle bag to the back and closing the door.

"Russell!" she yells after me, but I don't stop. Taking my chance to drive away as I see no cars coming by.

Just when I was starting to forget about her...why the hell did she have to come back?
