I sat on the small sofa in my dorm, writing away and reading from my notes and textbook. My eyesight was a bit blurry, tired of all the studying I had been doing for my upcoming test.
Kimmy was making a quick sandwich for the two of us, she wanted to take a break as well, complaining that her class was so hard and nothing she was reviewing was sticking to her.
She placed the last slice of bread on top of the sandwich and grabs two soda cans out of the fridge, balancing the two plates in her hand and gripping both cans tightly in her other hand. "Come on, you gotta be honest. Craig looked so pissed off when he found out you and Russell started dating. He was like, Russell this, and Russell that, he's not even good looking. And we were like, are you kidding? Russell is hot!" she talked away making me laugh.
Though a part of me was still feeling pained when they talked about Craig, another part of me was starting to feel ok with having him around. It didn't hurt me to see him anymore. It didn't bother me to see him with another girl, and it didn't bother me to see him around school that much either. I had Russell to thank for that.
He may not be my pretend boyfriend anymore, but he was still great support, and I don't know-maybe- someday we might be something more.
Though, to be honest, the fact that we haven't told Brandon and Kim the truth is killing me. I tell Kim everything, and I mean everything. She's my best friend, and I hate keeping this from her.
I look at her with worrisome written all over me, and then she gives me that look. That- I know something is up- look.
"Ok, what's wrong? Do you not like Russell?" she asks making me sigh.
"No, it's not that. I do, I like him, a lot."
"But?" Kim didn't understand, and she will probably hate me when she finds out we lied to her. She's going to be so mad at me, I just know it. But I can't keep lying to her, she's my best friend and I hate not being able to tell her what is really going on between Russell and me.
I take a deep breath and slump my shoulders back, covering my face with my hands and grunting as my head rests on the sofa. " Kim, Russell is...He's a great friend, and I love spending time with him, I love the way he makes me laugh, the way he's so caring,"
"Then what? I don't get you, Sam. You wanted to get over Craig, didn't you? And Russell has done that. I see how loving you two are with each other, why do you sound like it's still not good enough for you?" my eyes went wide and I sat straight to look at her.
"No, I don't. I mean I do, mmmh," I grunted, I was so frustrated, so stressed out about all this. I'm not sure what I'm feeling for Russell, or whether he feels the same. Craig broke my heart and it took forever for me to finally start getting over him. I don't want to get my heart broken again.
"Sam, you're not making any sense, you know that?"
"Kim, Russell, and I are not dating ok? We never were." I blurted out making her go silent. "And what's your point? You like him, and he likes you. You two have kissed, and I know you feel the spark, so why not give each other a chance?"
I looked at her dumbfounded at her reaction as I sat struck with amazement. "Wait, you knew?" I asked her as I fixed my posture and turned towards her, facing each other as we sat on the couch. She rolled her eyes and took my hands in hers as she sighed.
"Sam, I'm your best friend. There is nothing, and I mean nothing.., you can hide from me. I've known from the beginning, I heard you two talking the day you told him you didn't want to keep pretending about your fake relationship. But... If you ask me? I think you both are perfect for each other. The chemistry between the two of you is evident, and not to mention the sexual tension, I mean come on? If I was in your shoes, I would have given it up long ago hun." I gasped at her words.
"Kim?" I said amused by her horny ass. She is an amazing friend, I can't believe I was so lucky to find her and have her in my life. We have gone through ups and downs and withstood so many adversities together.
"Oh, come on, you can't tell me you have not been tempted to sleep with him? Because that is just a big fat lie."
"Ok, this conversation clearly took a whole different turn. Kim? I'm not even sure he sees me that way. He's just trying to be courteous with me. He's a good friend, that's all." I said as I feel my face getting hot from the embarrassment I was feeling. But she's right. He's damn hot, and I have fantasized about being with him. I bet he's just amazing in bed as he is a kisser.
The door handle moved, and the door opened making us turn. Brandon and Russell went inside, both laughing away.
"Hey, beautiful ladies." Brandon greeted us making us smile. "Hi, Brandon." We both said in unison.
My eyes went wide in shock as Russell went in. He had a big bruise on his right cheek and a bruise under his left eyebrow along with a cut right through the bruise. But the more I saw him, the more I was able to see that he was badly hurt as he gripped his right side on his ribs.
I quickly stood and cupped his right cheek without thinking. "Russell, what happened to you? You have cuts and bruises all over." he locked eyes with me. His lips curved to a side smirk as his right hand slowly trailed around my waist.
"I'm fine. We came to ask you, girls, if you wanted to join us for dinner? My treat." he says smiling as he slowly lowered his duffle bag and places it on the floor, closing the door behind him. I sighed at his reaction. The bruises looked so painful and here he is thinking about eating.
"Russell, this doesn't look like nothing. Did Craig do this to you?" I say making him chuckle. He glances at Brandon quickly and turns back to me, biting his lower lip.
"Sam, I'm fine. They look worse than they feel. And no, Craig didn't do this to me."
"Then, who? Did you call the police? You filed against them, right?" I was so scared for him, I didn't want him to get hurt. He's capable of fighting, I know that, but I didn't want him getting into any fights and getting hurt, or worse... Getting attacked by total strangers.
"Sam I'm fine. Now... How about that dinner, huh?" he says kissing my lips. I felt like melting in his arms as I felt his sweet kiss. God, what the heck is he doing to me?
"Ok, but, at least let me tend to your cuts, please?" I whisper as he places his forehead against mine. He nodes quietly making me smile.
I grab his hand and walk to my room, excusing us from Brandon and Kim. I sit him on my bed and rush to the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit.
I open the bottle of alcohol and pour some on a cotton ball, placing myself between his legs. His hands rest on my hips as I take in a deep sigh, "Ok, this is going to sting a little, let me know if I hurt you, ok?" I say as I feel my cheeks burning. His eyes stare at me diligently, silently. I slowly place the cotton ball on his eyebrow making him wince.
"Sorry, did I hurt you?" I say worriedly. His lips raise into a soft smile, and my heart begins to beat profusely as his hands slowly wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him.
His lips connect to mine, and I swear I felt as if I was floating in thin air.