
Ch 2 - Enter the game

When Life sometimes makes a joke with you once, it will also make another one. It's like hitting a person when he's down.

When he woke up the next morning, Chen Xing felt a tiny headache. It seemed that he was feeling drunk even without a bottle of beer. At this time, the phone rang, "Hey, who is this?"

"Hello, is it Mr. Chen? The virtual helmet you ordered has arrived. I'm right downstairs. Do I need to help you bring it up?" The delivery guy was a robot.

Chen Xing disassembled the virtual helmet with confusion. He saw a hat shaped helmet lying inside. There was also a note on it that said, [Hello, Mr. Chen, I'm Ruya Tan, I'm very glad you chose "True Gu", I believe you will like it very much. Oh, yes, in the game, my name is Qin Ruya and I was born in Bai clan, so remember to come to me when you start the game. Hehe!]

"The hell with this." Chen Xing burst into foul language, really wanting to throw the helmet out the window. "My money is all gone~!" Chen Xing quickly called the customer service to return the helmet.

The customer service lady replied, "Sir, once the helmet is sold, it will be bound to your identity, and hence it cannot be returned!"

Chen Xing felt a little at a loss. It was not easy to find a job in the 23rd century. The money for the helmet was obtained from his hard work in the past five years.

Why was there such a coincidence? He spent it just after breaking up with his girlfriend. He really wanted to have a good time with it, so he was regretting getting a virtual reality helmet of all things!

"Hey Chen! Wake up!! What the hell have you been doing?" Chen Xing knocked on his forehead fiercely trying to blame himself for his predicament.

However, It didn't seem that bad. He liked playing games when he was in college, now he just goes back to that again. Chen Xing's thoughts have always been forward looking. Anyway, he knew he won't die from starvation. Even if you don't work in the 23rd century, you can live with government relief every day.

'Didn't I just went through these years? I can very well survive this year too! It's a pity that the whole getting a body massage dream has to be scrapped.', With sorrow, Chen Xing plugged the helmet on and put it on his head. From today on, it was only thing he had left.

The 23rd century is called the virtual era. The use of virtual technology led to the fourth industrial revolution, and productivity generally separated from the scope of manpower and almost everything became automated. Although the gap between the rich and the poor was still huge, mankind has found the virtual world as a sustenance. Through all kinds of virtual games, human beings can live all kinds of lives, and even some people spend their entire lives virtually.

Chen Xing was no stranger to virtual games. After putting on the helmet, his spirit was led to a vast space.

Some lines popped up in front of him.

{ Humans are the spirit of all living beings and Gu are the essence of heaven and earth, the essence of the world itself. Practicing the essence of heaven and earth for your own use is the way to growth and immortality! }

{ Countless years ago in Immemorial Era, Wild beasts and Variant Humans were rampant in the world, and Human ancestor was born at this time. He sacrificed his children to bring human race into the world. Humans ancestors liked to drink blood, fight with heaven and earth, refining gu worms, enslave beasts, and finally establish the human world. But the ancestors are already old, if they can't live forever, everything they have established will be uprooted! }

{ You are a hero from outside the sky, and you come to this world. Whether you roam freely or lead the heroes, it is up to you! }

It was another plot of dog blood, none of which Chen Xing cared about. After taking his usual name 'Morning Star', he clicked the birth button. At this time the system prompt sounded, [Welcome to the world of Gu. Please choose the place of birth.]

There were three choices: Gu Yue Village, Xiong Village, and Bai Village. There was also a line of explanation below:

[Gu yue Clan] Gu - Moonlight Gu, which uses moon blades to attack long range;

[Xiong Clan] Gu - Bear Power Gu, with which one can fight 100 people. They are masters of close combat;

[Bai Clan] Gu - Cold Ice Gu, uses ice as a shield, Can be offensive and defensive.

*The relationship between the 3 clans is not harmonious.

Last night, the fat girl said that she was in Bai Clan, and he didn't want to be assigned to the village with her. Hence, Bai Clan was not desirable. In the other two options, Xiong clan focused on close combat, while Chen Xing always likes to bully people from a distance. Naturally, Gu Yue clan is the most suitable option.

Chen Xing clicked on Gu Yue Clan as the option, and the system prompt sounded, [Congratulations on being born in the Gu yue Village.]